singer-io / tap-outreach

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
6 stars 21 forks source link

0 rows replicated for the 'call_purposes' and 'call_disposition' tables #19

Open berinti opened 2 years ago

berinti commented 2 years ago

We are trying to sync the the 'call_purposes' and 'call_disposition' tables and not getting any data back. The log is provided below.

2022-05-18 14:58:32,597Z   main - INFO Running tap-outreach version 0.7.0 and target-stitch version 3.2.0
2022-05-18 14:58:33,742Z   main - INFO [smart-services] building smart service producer: topic( com.stitchdata.extractionJobStarted ), use_ssl( true )
2022-05-18 14:58:33,745Z   main - INFO [smart-services] building smart service producer: topic( com.stitchdata.extractionJobFinished ), use_ssl( true )
2022-05-18 14:58:33,746Z   main - INFO [smart-services] building smart service producer: topic( com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount ), use_ssl( true )
2022-05-18 14:58:34,763Z   main - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.extractionJobStarted [23] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:34,766Z   main - INFO Starting tap to discover schemas: tap-env/bin/tap-outreach --config /tmp/tap_discover_config.json --discover
2022-05-18 14:58:34,995Z   main - INFO Tap exited normally.
2022-05-18 14:58:34,999Z   main - INFO Saving list of discovered streams
2022-05-18 14:58:35,043Z   main - INFO Saving structure of stream sequence_steps (tap_stream_id: sequence_steps)
2022-05-18 14:58:35,064Z   main - INFO Saving structure of stream duties (tap_stream_id: duties)
2022-05-18 14:58:35,093Z   main - INFO Saving structure of stream mailings (tap_stream_id: mailings)
2022-05-18 14:58:35,119Z   main - INFO Saving structure of stream stages (tap_stream_id: stages)
2022-05-18 14:58:35,145Z   main - INFO Saving structure of stream mailboxes (tap_stream_id: mailboxes)
2022-05-18 14:58:35,176Z   main - INFO Saving structure of stream call_dispositions (tap_stream_id: call_dispositions)
2022-05-18 14:58:35,201Z   main - INFO Saving structure of stream call_purposes (tap_stream_id: call_purposes)
2022-05-18 14:58:35,221Z   main - INFO Saving structure of stream events (tap_stream_id: events)
2022-05-18 14:58:35,243Z   main - INFO Saving structure of stream personas (tap_stream_id: personas)
2022-05-18 14:58:35,264Z   main - INFO Saving structure of stream users (tap_stream_id: users)
2022-05-18 14:58:35,298Z   main - INFO Saving structure of stream calls (tap_stream_id: calls)
2022-05-18 14:58:35,337Z   main - INFO Saving structure of stream teams (tap_stream_id: teams)
2022-05-18 14:58:35,415Z   main - INFO Saving structure of stream content_categories (tap_stream_id: content_categories)
2022-05-18 14:58:35,457Z   main - INFO Saving structure of stream sequence_states (tap_stream_id: sequence_states)
2022-05-18 14:58:35,482Z   main - INFO Saving structure of stream sequences (tap_stream_id: sequences)
2022-05-18 14:58:35,510Z   main - INFO Saving structure of stream opportunities (tap_stream_id: opportunities)
2022-05-18 14:58:35,547Z   main - INFO Saving structure of stream prospects (tap_stream_id: prospects)
2022-05-18 14:58:35,588Z   main - INFO Saving structure of stream tasks (tap_stream_id: tasks)
2022-05-18 14:58:35,610Z   main - INFO Saving structure of stream accounts (tap_stream_id: accounts)
2022-05-18 14:58:35,641Z   main - INFO Saving structure of stream sequence_templates (tap_stream_id: sequence_templates)
2022-05-18 14:58:35,673Z   main - INFO Writing catalog to file
2022-05-18 14:58:35,733Z   main - INFO Selected fields for stream sequence_steps: failureCount, updatedAt, optOutCount, stepType, updaterId, taskNote, deliverCount, scheduleCount, taskAutoskipDelay, id, openCount, positiveReplyCount, creatorId, bounceCount, sequenceId, date, neutralReplyCount, negativeReplyCount, displayName, interval, replyCount, clickCount, createdAt, order
2022-05-18 14:58:35,733Z   main - INFO Selected fields for stream content_categories: allowSnippets, allowSequences, allowTemplates, name, updatedAt, id, createdAt, creatorId
2022-05-18 14:58:35,733Z   main - INFO Selected fields for stream sequence_states: failureCount, updatedAt, callCompletedAt, accountId, bounceCount, deliverCount, prospectId, errorReason, repliedAt, scheduleCount, openCount, state, positiveReplyCount, creatorId, id, sequenceId, pauseReason, stateChangedAt, optOutCount, replyCount, activeAt, clickCount, createdAt, negativeReplyCount, naturalReplyCount
2022-05-18 14:58:35,733Z   main - INFO Selected fields for stream teams: id, createdAt, color, name
2022-05-18 14:58:35,733Z   main - INFO Selected fields for stream accounts: custom23, custom12, custom17, updaterId, custom25, custom33, custom31, custom10, companyType, custom9, name, custom32, creatorId, tags, linkedInEmployees, custom30, naturalName, locality, custom26, custom19, custom14, custom3, websiteUrl, custom21, linkedInUrl, custom8, updatedAt, custom29, named, custom27, ownerId, followers, description, custom7, custom24, domain, customId, custom34, externalSource, custom15, custom1, custom16, custom28, createdAt, custom18, custom11, custom22, custom4, numberOfEmployees, industry, custom2, custom20, custom13, custom6, custom5, id, foundedAt
2022-05-18 14:58:35,733Z   main - INFO Selected fields for stream calls: updatedAt, recordingUrl, voicemailRecordingUrl, callDispositionId, prospectId, taskId, outcome, state, tags, from, sequenceId, createdAt, opportunityId, returnedAt, stateChangedAt, callPurposeId, sequenceStepId, sequenceAction, note, sequenceStateId, completedAt, userCallType, direction, userId, id, answeredAt, to
2022-05-18 14:58:35,733Z   main - INFO Selected fields for stream call_purposes: updatedAt, name, id, order, createdAt, creatorId
2022-05-18 14:58:35,733Z   main - INFO Selected fields for stream mailboxes: validateSend, sendMaxRetries, optOutMessage, sendDisabled, updaterId, imapSsl, exchangeVersion, sendPeriod, sendRequiresSync, sendErroredAt, syncSuccessAt, creatorId, smtpHost, emailSignature, ewsSslVerifyMode, maxEmailsPerDay, ewsEndpoint, userId, authId, syncOutreachFolder, editable, validateSync, syncPassiveFrequency, sendgridWebhookUrl, createdAt, syncDisabled, updatedAt, smtpPort, sendThreshold, sendMethod, optOutSignature, maxMailingsPerWeek, maxMailingsPerDay, emailProvider, smtpUsername, prospectEmailExclusions, email, imapHost, username, syncMethod, imapPort, syncFinishedAt, syncErroredAt, syncActiveFrequency, providerId, id, sendSuccessAt, smtpSsl, providerType
2022-05-18 14:58:35,733Z   main - INFO Selected fields for stream opportunities: custom27, custom12, custom46, custom98, custom43, custom45, custom16, custom9, custom97, name, custom48, opportunityStageId, custom17, custom40, custom68, custom88, custom72, custom52, custom62, custom51, custom19, custom49, custom78, custom21, custom14, prospectingRepId, createdAt, custom31, custom80, custom77, custom90, custom36, custom5, custom95, custom37, custom28, probability, nextStep, description, custom75, custom69, custom42, custom94, custom93, custom15, custom1, custom18, custom22, custom63, custom2, custom71, custom96, custom100, custom92, id, custom79, custom6, custom23, custom82, custom41, accountId, custom84, custom25, custom33, custom60, custom10, custom11, custom83, custom58, custom91, custom32, creatorId, tags, custom70, custom55, opportunityType, closeDate, custom26, amount, custom86, custom61, custom3, custom65, custom35, custom8, custom87, updatedAt, custom73, custom29, custom64, custom44, custom38, custom30, custom66, ownerId, custom54, custom67, custom74, custom7, custom24, custom53, custom34, custom57, custom39, custom85, custom4, touchedAt, externalCreatedAt, custom56, custom89, custom20, custom13, custom99, custom47, custom81, custom59, custom76, custom50
2022-05-18 14:58:35,733Z   main - INFO Selected fields for stream tasks: updatedAt, accountId, opportunityId, sequenceId, prospectId, state, completerId, compiledSequenceTemplateHtml, action, sequenceStateId, ownerId, creatorId, completedAt, id, completed, taskType, subjectId, callId, stateChangedAt, taskPriorityId, scheduledAt, sequenceStepId, mailingId, note, templateId, taskThemeId, autoskipAt, dueAt, createdAt
2022-05-18 14:58:35,733Z   main - INFO Selected fields for stream call_dispositions: updatedAt, name, outcome, id, order, createdAt, creatorId
2022-05-18 14:58:35,733Z   main - INFO Selected fields for stream personas: id, createdAt, name, description, updatedAt
2022-05-18 14:58:35,733Z   main - INFO Selected fields for stream users: onboardedAt, inboundBridgePhoneExtension, inboundBridgePhone, oceGmailToolbar, bounceWarningEmailEnabled, updaterId, oceClickToDialEverywhere, bridgePhone, activityNotificationsDisabled, calendarId, name, phoneType, creatorId, mailboxErrorEmailEnabled, oceWindowMode, oceSalesforcePhoneDecorating, passwordExpiresAt, dailyDigestEmailEnabled, phoneNumber, enableVoiceRecordings, roleId, controlledTabDefault, oceGmailTrackingState, bridgePhoneExtension, custom3, inboundVoicemailCustomMessageText, createdAt, custom2, updatedAt, custom5, duties, id, inboundCallBehavior, email, oceSalesforceEmailDecorating, profileId, username, custom1, title, oceUniversalTaskFlow, custom4, prefersLocalPresence, mailboxId, notificationsEnabled, unknownReplyEmailEnabled, lastSignInAt, inboundVoicemailMessageTextVoice, currentSignInAt, phoneCountryCode, lastName, locked, senderNotificationsExcluded, weeklyDigestEmailEnabled, firstName
2022-05-18 14:58:35,733Z   main - INFO Selected fields for stream stages: updatedAt, color, name, updaterId, id, order, createdAt, creatorId
2022-05-18 14:58:35,733Z   main - INFO Selected fields for stream sequence_templates: failureCount, updatedAt, positiveReplyCount, enabledAt, bounceCount, neutralReplyCount, updaterId, isReply, optOutCount, replyCount, clickCount, deliverCount, negaitveReplyCount, openCount, id, enabled, scheduleCount, createdAt, creatorId
2022-05-18 14:58:35,733Z   main - INFO Selected fields for stream sequences: automationPercentage, numContactedProspects, updaterId, deliverCount, description, throttlePaused, name, lastUsedAt, enabled, creatorId, tags, sequenceStepCount, primaryReplyAction, maxActivations, durationInDays, finishOnReply, enabledAt, throttlePausedAt, negativeReplyCount, replyCount, scheduleCount, createdAt, failureCount, updatedAt, bounceCount, lockedAt, secondaryReplyAction, ownerId, clickCount, openCount, transactional, positiveReplyCount, throttleCapacity, secondaryReplyPauseDuration, primaryReplyPauseDuration, neutralReplyCount, optOutCount, throttleMaxAddsPerDay, sequenceType, numRepliedProspects, scheduleIntervalType, id, locked, shareType
2022-05-18 14:58:35,733Z   main - INFO Selected fields for stream events: payload, userId, requestCity, mailingId, prospectId, body, requestProxied, name, eventAt, id, externalUrl, createdAt, requestRegion, requestDevice, requestHost
2022-05-18 14:58:35,733Z   main - INFO Selected fields for stream duties: id, dutyType, symbolicName
2022-05-18 14:58:35,733Z   main - INFO Selected fields for stream prospects: campaignName, otherPhones, openCount, addressStreet, custom46, optedOut, custom43, custom45, externalOwner, custom16, custom9, websiteUrl3, custom12, emails, addressStreet2, name, emailOptedOut, custom48, eventName, smsOptedOut, custom17, engagedAt, custom40, googlePlusUrl, stackOverflowId, score, replyCount, emailsOptedAt, custom51, custom19, graduationDate, custom49, linkedInId, updaterId, custom21, custom14, custom15, createdAt, custom31, stageId, angelListUrl, custom36, smsOptedAt, custom5, timeZoneInferred, custom44, custom28, region, githubUsername, twitterUsername, nickname, facebookUrl, custom18, custom1, linkedInConnections, linkedInUrl, mobilePhones, emailsOptStatus, addressCity, custom22, jobStartDate, addressState, custom2, custom33, custom30, addedAt, timeZoneIana, websiteUrl2, id, custom6, firstName, custom23, workPhones, custom41, accountId, updatedAt, custom25, callOptedOut, personaId, title, custom10, voipPhones, custom11, homePhones, websiteUrl1, githubUrl, custom32, smsOptStatus, creatorId, tags, custom55, custom52, stackOverflowUrl, custom26, callsOptedAt, gender, defaultPluginMappingId, preferredContact, custom20, custom3, degree, externalSource, specialties, custom35, custom8, personalNote2, custom29, custom42, callsOptStatus, custom37, custom38, optedOutAt, occupation, clickCount, custom27, ownerId, custom54, dateOfBirth, personalNote1, contactHistogram, custom7, custom24, twitterUrl, custom53, custom34, availableAt, custom39, school, timeZone, engagedScore, custom4, externalId, touchedAt, linkedInSlug, quoraUrl, addressZip, custom13, addressCountry, source, custom47, lastName, middleName, custom50
2022-05-18 14:58:35,733Z   main - INFO Selected fields for stream mailings: createdAt, mailboxAddress, mailingType, notifyThreadScheduledAt, calendarId, followUpTaskType, overrideSafetySettings, repliedAt, taskId, errorReason, retryAt, references, sequenceId, clickedAt, bouncedAt, subject, sequenceStateId, stateChangedAt, notifyThreadCondition, sequenceStepId, openedAt, messageId, trackLinks, clickCount, notifyThreadStatus, updatedAt, opportunityId, bodyHtml, followUpTaskScheduledAt, trackOpens, mailboxId, errorBacktrace, openCount, state, prospectId, id, markedAsSpamAt, scheduledAt, retryCount, templateId, retryInterval, bodyText, unsubscribedAt, deliveredAt
2022-05-18 14:58:35,738Z   main - INFO Current state: {"currently_syncing": null, "bookmarks": {"tasks": "2022-05-18T14:21:05.000Z", "content_categories": "2021-04-01T00:00:00Z", "sequence_states": "2022-05-18T14:40:38.000Z", "accounts": "2022-05-18T14:41:09.000Z", "calls": "2022-05-18T14:41:55.000Z", "opportunities": "2022-05-18T14:39:53.000Z", "mailboxes": "2022-05-18T14:41:56.000Z", "call_purposes": "2021-04-01T00:00:00Z", "sequences": "2022-05-18T14:40:48.000Z", "personas": "2021-04-01T00:00:00Z", "sequence_steps": "2022-05-18T14:40:49.000Z", "users": "2022-05-18T14:40:18.000Z", "stages": "2021-08-09T22:12:31.000Z", "events": "2022-05-18T14:41:25.000Z", "call_dispositions": "2021-04-01T00:00:00Z", "prospects": "2022-05-18T14:41:58.000Z", "mailings": "2022-05-18T14:41:18.000Z"}}
2022-05-18 14:58:35,739Z   main - INFO Starting tap: tap-env/bin/tap-outreach --config /tmp/tap_config.json --properties /tmp/properties.json --catalog /tmp/catalog.json --state /tmp/tap_state.json
2022-05-18 14:58:35,743Z   main - INFO Starting target: target-env/bin/target-stitch --config /tmp/target_config.json
2022-05-18 14:58:35,998Z    tap - INFO Testing authentication
2022-05-18 14:58:36,356Z    tap - INFO METRIC Point(metric_type='timer', metric='http_request_duration', value=0.35416173934936523, tags={'http_status_code': 200, 'status': 'succeeded'})
2022-05-18 14:58:36,405Z target - INFO Using batch_size_prefernces of {'user_batch_size_preference': None, 'full_table_streams': [], 'batch_size_preference': None}
2022-05-18 14:58:36,743Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "stages" endpoint took 0.389s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:36,745Z    tap - INFO accounts - Syncing data since 2022-05-18T14:41:09.000Z - page: 1, limit: 250, offset: 0
2022-05-18 14:58:36,750Z   main - INFO State update: adding bookmarks.accounts = "2022-05-18T14:41:09.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:36,750Z   main - INFO State update: adding bookmarks.call_dispositions = "2021-04-01T00:00:00Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:36,750Z   main - INFO State update: adding bookmarks.call_purposes = "2021-04-01T00:00:00Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:36,750Z   main - INFO State update: adding bookmarks.calls = "2022-05-18T14:41:55.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:36,750Z   main - INFO State update: adding bookmarks.content_categories = "2021-04-01T00:00:00Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:36,750Z   main - INFO State update: adding = "2022-05-18T14:41:25.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:36,750Z   main - INFO State update: adding bookmarks.mailboxes = "2022-05-18T14:41:56.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:36,750Z   main - INFO State update: adding bookmarks.mailings = "2022-05-18T14:41:18.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:36,750Z   main - INFO State update: adding bookmarks.opportunities = "2022-05-18T14:39:53.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:36,750Z   main - INFO State update: adding bookmarks.personas = "2021-04-01T00:00:00Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:36,750Z   main - INFO State update: adding bookmarks.prospects = "2022-05-18T14:41:58.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:36,751Z   main - INFO State update: adding bookmarks.sequence_states = "2022-05-18T14:40:38.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:36,751Z   main - INFO State update: adding bookmarks.sequence_steps = "2022-05-18T14:40:49.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:36,751Z   main - INFO State update: adding bookmarks.sequences = "2022-05-18T14:40:48.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:36,751Z   main - INFO State update: adding bookmarks.stages = "2021-08-09T22:12:31.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:36,751Z   main - INFO State update: adding bookmarks.tasks = "2022-05-18T14:21:05.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:36,751Z   main - INFO State update: adding bookmarks.users = "2022-05-18T14:40:18.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:36,751Z   main - INFO State update: adding currently_syncing = "accounts"
2022-05-18 14:58:37,167Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "accounts" endpoint took 0.420s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:37,214Z target - INFO Serializing batch with 27 messages for table accounts
2022-05-18 14:58:37,214Z target - INFO Sending batch of 42110 bytes to
2022-05-18 14:58:37,310Z   main - INFO State update: changing bookmarks.accounts from "2022-05-18T14:41:09.000Z" to "2022-05-18T14:58:04.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:37,310Z   main - INFO State update: changing currently_syncing from "accounts" to "call_dispositions"
2022-05-18 14:58:37,577Z   main - INFO State update: changing currently_syncing from "call_dispositions" to "call_purposes"
2022-05-18 14:58:37,838Z target - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [0] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:38,052Z   main - INFO State update: changing currently_syncing from "call_purposes" to "calls"
2022-05-18 14:58:38,327Z target - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [5] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:38,327Z target - INFO replicated 27 records from "accounts" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:38,337Z    tap - INFO replicated 27 records from "accounts" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:38,337Z    tap - INFO call_dispositions - Syncing data since 2021-04-01T00:00:00Z - page: 1, limit: 250, offset: 0
2022-05-18 14:58:38,338Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "call_dispositions" endpoint took 0.363s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:38,343Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [9] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:38,343Z    tap - INFO replicated 0 records from "call_dispositions" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:38,343Z    tap - INFO call_purposes - Syncing data since 2021-04-01T00:00:00Z - page: 1, limit: 250, offset: 0
2022-05-18 14:58:38,344Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "call_purposes" endpoint took 0.472s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:38,552Z target - INFO Serializing batch with 41 messages for table calls
2022-05-18 14:58:38,553Z target - INFO Sending batch of 38342 bytes to
2022-05-18 14:58:38,560Z target - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [2] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:38,625Z   main - INFO State update: changing bookmarks.calls from "2022-05-18T14:41:55.000Z" to "2022-05-18T14:58:28.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:38,625Z   main - INFO State update: changing currently_syncing from "calls" to "content_categories"
2022-05-18 14:58:38,807Z target - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [7] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:38,808Z target - INFO replicated 41 records from "calls" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:38,817Z    tap - INFO replicated 0 records from "call_purposes" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:38,817Z    tap - INFO calls - Syncing data since 2022-05-18T14:41:55.000Z - page: 1, limit: 250, offset: 0
2022-05-18 14:58:38,818Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "calls" endpoint took 0.439s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:38,823Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [3] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:38,823Z    tap - INFO replicated 41 records from "calls" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:38,824Z    tap - INFO content_categories - Syncing data since 2021-04-01T00:00:00Z - page: 1, limit: 250, offset: 0
2022-05-18 14:58:38,887Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "content_categories" endpoint took 0.334s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:38,889Z   main - INFO State update: changing currently_syncing from "content_categories" to "duties"
2022-05-18 14:58:38,894Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [0] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:38,894Z    tap - INFO replicated 0 records from "content_categories" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:38,894Z    tap - INFO duties - Syncing data since 2021-04-01T00:00:00Z - page: 1, limit: 250, offset: 0
2022-05-18 14:58:39,222Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "duties" endpoint took 0.332s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:39,225Z target - INFO Serializing batch with 6 messages for table duties
2022-05-18 14:58:39,225Z target - INFO Sending batch of 1189 bytes to
2022-05-18 14:58:39,229Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [9] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:39,231Z target - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [7] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:39,231Z target - INFO replicated 6 records from "duties" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:39,239Z    tap - INFO replicated 6 records from "duties" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:39,239Z    tap - INFO events - Syncing data since 2022-05-18T14:41:25.000Z - page: 1, limit: 250, offset: 0
2022-05-18 14:58:39,288Z   main - INFO State update: changing currently_syncing from "duties" to "events"
2022-05-18 14:58:39,660Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "events" endpoint took 0.436s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:39,842Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [2] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:39,842Z    tap - INFO replicated 229 records from "events" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:39,842Z target - INFO Serializing batch with 229 messages for table events
2022-05-18 14:58:39,842Z target - INFO Sending batch of 122778 bytes to
2022-05-18 14:58:39,843Z    tap - INFO mailboxes - Syncing data since 2022-05-18T14:41:56.000Z - page: 1, limit: 250, offset: 0
2022-05-18 14:58:39,854Z target - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [4] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:39,854Z target - INFO replicated 229 records from "events" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:39,908Z   main - INFO State update: changing from "2022-05-18T14:41:25.000Z" to "2022-05-18T14:58:38.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:39,908Z   main - INFO State update: changing currently_syncing from "events" to "mailboxes"
2022-05-18 14:58:40,948Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "mailboxes" endpoint took 1.102s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:41,182Z target - INFO Serializing batch with 142 messages for table mailboxes
2022-05-18 14:58:41,183Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [7] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:41,183Z    tap - INFO replicated 142 records from "mailboxes" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:41,183Z    tap - INFO mailings - Syncing data since 2022-05-18T14:41:18.000Z - page: 1, limit: 250, offset: 0
2022-05-18 14:58:41,188Z target - INFO Sending batch of 363672 bytes to
2022-05-18 14:58:41,195Z target - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [2] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:41,196Z target - INFO replicated 142 records from "mailboxes" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:41,362Z   main - INFO State update: changing bookmarks.mailboxes from "2022-05-18T14:41:56.000Z" to "2022-05-18T14:58:37.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:41,362Z   main - INFO State update: changing currently_syncing from "mailboxes" to "mailings"
2022-05-18 14:58:42,057Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "mailings" endpoint took 0.879s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:42,087Z target - INFO Serializing batch with 14 messages for table mailings
2022-05-18 14:58:42,089Z target - INFO Sending batch of 142654 bytes to
2022-05-18 14:58:42,091Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [2] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:42,091Z    tap - INFO replicated 14 records from "mailings" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:42,091Z    tap - INFO opportunities - Syncing data since 2022-05-18T14:39:53.000Z - page: 1, limit: 250, offset: 0
2022-05-18 14:58:42,097Z target - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [9] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:42,097Z target - INFO replicated 14 records from "mailings" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:42,159Z   main - INFO State update: changing bookmarks.mailings from "2022-05-18T14:41:18.000Z" to "2022-05-18T14:58:10.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:42,159Z   main - INFO State update: changing currently_syncing from "mailings" to "opportunities"
2022-05-18 14:58:42,487Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "opportunities" endpoint took 0.399s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:42,490Z target - INFO Serializing batch with 1 messages for table opportunities
2022-05-18 14:58:42,491Z target - INFO Sending batch of 12895 bytes to
2022-05-18 14:58:42,495Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [2] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:42,499Z target - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [4] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:42,499Z target - INFO replicated 1 records from "opportunities" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:42,506Z    tap - INFO replicated 1 records from "opportunities" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:42,506Z    tap - INFO personas - Syncing data since 2021-04-01T00:00:00Z - page: 1, limit: 250, offset: 0
2022-05-18 14:58:42,538Z   main - INFO State update: changing bookmarks.opportunities from "2022-05-18T14:39:53.000Z" to "2022-05-18T14:48:54.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:42,538Z   main - INFO State update: changing currently_syncing from "opportunities" to "personas"
2022-05-18 14:58:43,090Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "personas" endpoint took 0.600s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:43,094Z   main - INFO State update: changing currently_syncing from "personas" to "prospects"
2022-05-18 14:58:43,097Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [0] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:43,097Z    tap - INFO replicated 0 records from "personas" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:43,097Z    tap - INFO prospects - Syncing data since 2022-05-18T14:41:58.000Z - page: 1, limit: 250, offset: 0
2022-05-18 14:58:43,998Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "prospects" endpoint took 0.903s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:44,142Z target - INFO Serializing batch with 48 messages for table prospects
2022-05-18 14:58:44,142Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [9] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:44,144Z    tap - INFO replicated 48 records from "prospects" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:44,145Z    tap - INFO sequence_states - Syncing data since 2022-05-18T14:40:38.000Z - page: 1, limit: 250, offset: 0
2022-05-18 14:58:44,147Z target - INFO Sending batch of 172722 bytes to
2022-05-18 14:58:44,158Z target - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [8] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:44,158Z target - INFO replicated 48 records from "prospects" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:44,348Z   main - INFO State update: changing bookmarks.prospects from "2022-05-18T14:41:58.000Z" to "2022-05-18T14:58:10.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:44,348Z   main - INFO State update: changing currently_syncing from "prospects" to "sequence_states"
2022-05-18 14:58:44,876Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "sequence_states" endpoint took 0.737s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:44,985Z target - INFO Serializing batch with 193 messages for table sequence_states
2022-05-18 14:58:44,987Z target - INFO Sending batch of 117151 bytes to
2022-05-18 14:58:44,989Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [1] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:44,994Z target - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [0] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:44,995Z target - INFO replicated 193 records from "sequence_states" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:45,000Z    tap - INFO replicated 193 records from "sequence_states" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:45,000Z    tap - INFO sequence_steps - Syncing data since 2022-05-18T14:40:49.000Z - page: 1, limit: 250, offset: 0
2022-05-18 14:58:45,102Z   main - INFO State update: changing bookmarks.sequence_states from "2022-05-18T14:40:38.000Z" to "2022-05-18T14:58:04.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:45,102Z   main - INFO State update: changing currently_syncing from "sequence_states" to "sequence_steps"
2022-05-18 14:58:45,378Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "sequence_steps" endpoint took 0.392s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:45,381Z target - INFO Serializing batch with 4 messages for table sequence_steps
2022-05-18 14:58:45,382Z target - INFO Sending batch of 4790 bytes to
2022-05-18 14:58:45,386Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [5] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:45,389Z target - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [2] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:45,389Z target - INFO replicated 4 records from "sequence_steps" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:45,396Z    tap - INFO replicated 4 records from "sequence_steps" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:45,396Z    tap - INFO sequence_templates - Syncing data since 2021-04-01T00:00:00Z - page: 1, limit: 250, offset: 0
2022-05-18 14:58:45,434Z   main - INFO State update: changing bookmarks.sequence_steps from "2022-05-18T14:40:49.000Z" to "2022-05-18T14:57:49.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:45,434Z   main - INFO State update: changing currently_syncing from "sequence_steps" to "sequence_templates"
2022-05-18 14:58:45,975Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "sequence_templates" endpoint took 0.593s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:46,124Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [1] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:46,124Z    tap - INFO replicated 250 records from "sequence_templates" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:46,125Z    tap - INFO sequence_templates - Syncing data since 2021-04-01T00:00:00Z - page: 2, limit: 250, offset: 250
2022-05-18 14:58:46,736Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "sequence_templates" endpoint took 0.616s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:46,914Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [8] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:46,914Z    tap - INFO replicated 250 records from "sequence_templates" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:46,914Z    tap - INFO sequence_templates - Syncing data since 2021-04-01T00:00:00Z - page: 3, limit: 250, offset: 500
2022-05-18 14:58:47,658Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "sequence_templates" endpoint took 0.749s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:47,783Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [8] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:47,783Z    tap - INFO replicated 250 records from "sequence_templates" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:47,783Z    tap - INFO sequence_templates - Syncing data since 2021-04-01T00:00:00Z - page: 4, limit: 250, offset: 750
2022-05-18 14:58:48,319Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "sequence_templates" endpoint took 0.540s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:48,447Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [4] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:48,448Z    tap - INFO replicated 250 records from "sequence_templates" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:48,448Z    tap - INFO sequence_templates - Syncing data since 2021-04-01T00:00:00Z - page: 5, limit: 250, offset: 1000
2022-05-18 14:58:48,926Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "sequence_templates" endpoint took 0.483s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:49,064Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [0] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:49,065Z    tap - INFO replicated 250 records from "sequence_templates" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:49,065Z    tap - INFO sequence_templates - Syncing data since 2021-04-01T00:00:00Z - page: 6, limit: 250, offset: 1250
2022-05-18 14:58:49,333Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "sequence_templates" endpoint took 0.273s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:49,472Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [6] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:49,472Z    tap - INFO replicated 250 records from "sequence_templates" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:49,472Z    tap - INFO sequence_templates - Syncing data since 2021-04-01T00:00:00Z - page: 7, limit: 250, offset: 1500
2022-05-18 14:58:49,949Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "sequence_templates" endpoint took 0.482s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:50,001Z target - INFO Serializing batch with 1577 messages for table sequence_templates
2022-05-18 14:58:50,006Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [8] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:50,006Z    tap - INFO replicated 77 records from "sequence_templates" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:50,006Z    tap - INFO sequences - Syncing data since 2022-05-18T14:40:48.000Z - page: 1, limit: 250, offset: 0
2022-05-18 14:58:50,022Z target - INFO Sending batch of 747894 bytes to
2022-05-18 14:58:50,029Z target - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [3] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:50,029Z target - INFO replicated 1577 records from "sequence_templates" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:50,234Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "sequences" endpoint took 0.232s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:50,241Z target - INFO Serializing batch with 7 messages for table sequences
2022-05-18 14:58:50,242Z target - INFO Sending batch of 12577 bytes to
2022-05-18 14:58:50,246Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [2] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:50,250Z target - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [7] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:50,250Z target - INFO replicated 7 records from "sequences" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:50,256Z    tap - INFO replicated 7 records from "sequences" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:50,256Z    tap - INFO stages - Syncing data since 2021-08-09T22:12:31.000Z - page: 1, limit: 250, offset: 0
2022-05-18 14:58:50,453Z   main - INFO State update: changing currently_syncing from "sequence_templates" to "sequences"
2022-05-18 14:58:50,475Z   main - INFO State update: changing bookmarks.sequences from "2022-05-18T14:40:48.000Z" to "2022-05-18T14:58:48.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:50,476Z   main - INFO State update: changing currently_syncing from "sequences" to "stages"
2022-05-18 14:58:50,597Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "stages" endpoint took 0.355s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:50,599Z target - INFO Serializing batch with 1 messages for table stages
2022-05-18 14:58:50,599Z target - INFO Sending batch of 1157 bytes to
2022-05-18 14:58:50,603Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [2] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:50,606Z target - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [9] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:50,606Z target - INFO replicated 1 records from "stages" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:50,614Z    tap - INFO replicated 1 records from "stages" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:50,614Z    tap - INFO tasks - Syncing data since 2022-05-18T14:21:05.000Z - page: 1, limit: 250, offset: 0
2022-05-18 14:58:50,616Z   main - INFO State update: changing currently_syncing from "stages" to "tasks"
2022-05-18 14:58:51,093Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "tasks" endpoint took 0.493s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:51,101Z target - INFO Serializing batch with 10 messages for table tasks
2022-05-18 14:58:51,102Z target - INFO Sending batch of 15054 bytes to
2022-05-18 14:58:51,106Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [4] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:51,109Z target - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [8] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:51,109Z target - INFO replicated 10 records from "tasks" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:51,117Z    tap - INFO replicated 10 records from "tasks" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:51,117Z    tap - INFO teams - Syncing data since 2021-04-01T00:00:00Z - page: 1, limit: 250, offset: 0
2022-05-18 14:58:51,167Z   main - INFO State update: changing bookmarks.tasks from "2022-05-18T14:21:05.000Z" to "2022-05-18T14:58:04.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:51,168Z   main - INFO State update: changing currently_syncing from "tasks" to "teams"
2022-05-18 14:58:51,282Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "teams" endpoint took 0.180s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:51,287Z target - INFO Serializing batch with 10 messages for table teams
2022-05-18 14:58:51,287Z target - INFO Sending batch of 2111 bytes to
2022-05-18 14:58:51,291Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [3] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:51,295Z target - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [2] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:51,295Z target - INFO replicated 10 records from "teams" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:51,302Z    tap - INFO replicated 10 records from "teams" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:51,302Z    tap - INFO users - Syncing data since 2022-05-18T14:40:18.000Z - page: 1, limit: 250, offset: 0
2022-05-18 14:58:51,352Z   main - INFO State update: changing currently_syncing from "teams" to "users"
2022-05-18 14:58:51,736Z    tap - INFO HTTP request to "users" endpoint took 0.449s, returned status code 200
2022-05-18 14:58:51,750Z    tap - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [7] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:51,750Z    tap - INFO replicated 6 records from "users" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:51,768Z target - INFO Serializing batch with 6 messages for table users
2022-05-18 14:58:51,768Z target - INFO Sending batch of 16632 bytes to
2022-05-18 14:58:51,776Z target - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.streamRecordCount [1] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:51,776Z target - INFO replicated 6 records from "users" endpoint
2022-05-18 14:58:51,828Z   main - INFO State update: changing bookmarks.users from "2022-05-18T14:40:18.000Z" to "2022-05-18T14:58:29.000Z"
2022-05-18 14:58:51,828Z target - INFO Requests complete, stopping loop
2022-05-18 14:58:51,828Z   main - INFO State update: changing currently_syncing from "users" to null
2022-05-18 14:58:51,908Z   main - INFO Target exited normally with status 0
2022-05-18 14:58:53,344Z   main - INFO [smart-services] event successfully sent to kafka: com.stitchdata.extractionJobFinished [20] at offset None
2022-05-18 14:58:53,348Z   main - INFO No tunnel subprocess to tear down
2022-05-18 14:58:53,348Z   main - INFO Exit status is: Discovery succeeded. Tap succeeded. Target succeeded.
sgandhi1311 commented 1 year ago

Hello @berinti , can you please confirm if the issue persists? I don't see the issue on my side.