Hi - Thanks for all of the work on this tap. I've been using this tap and it looks like it's not resyncing modified objects. For instance with transactions if they've been modified, the modified transaction is not synced. I had used the SaasOptics api previously based off modified date but couldn't see what was being used here in the tap. Is it possible to change to pull based off of modified date and sync any newly modified rows for all of the objects?
Hi - Thanks for all of the work on this tap. I've been using this tap and it looks like it's not resyncing modified objects. For instance with transactions if they've been modified, the modified transaction is not synced. I had used the SaasOptics api previously based off modified date but couldn't see what was being used here in the tap. Is it possible to change to pull based off of modified date and sync any newly modified rows for all of the objects?
Thank you!