Since May 20th at 4am EST we have been seeing this error consistently kill our stitch extraction jobs when fetching product review records from the product_reviews stream. It does not seem to consistently fail on the same product ID every time
2023-05-20 08:05:10,296Z tap - INFO Total records : 0, Total records synced : 0
2023-05-20 08:05:10,297Z tap - INFO Sync for prod *****3838 (1071/1791)
2023-05-20 08:05:10,312Z tap - ERROR Failed due: <HTML><HEAD>
2023-05-20 08:05:10,313Z tap - <TITLE>Bad Request</TITLE>
2023-05-20 08:05:10,313Z tap - </HEAD><BODY>
2023-05-20 08:05:10,313Z tap - <H1>Bad Request</H1>
2023-05-20 08:05:10,313Z tap - Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.<P>
2023-05-20 08:05:10,313Z tap - Reference #7.9dce4917.1684569910.0
2023-05-20 08:05:10,313Z tap - </BODY>
2023-05-20 08:05:10,313Z tap - </HTML>
2023-05-20 08:05:10,313Z tap -
2023-05-20 08:05:10,313Z tap - INFO Backing off __make_request(...) for 1.0s (tap_yotpo.exceptions.Http400RequestError: Unable to process request)
Since May 20th at 4am EST we have been seeing this error consistently kill our stitch extraction jobs when fetching product review records from the product_reviews stream. It does not seem to consistently fail on the same product ID every time
cc @Vi6hal @rdeshmukh15 @RushiT0122 @sgandhi1311