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[FEATURE] : Add hover effect and icon to navbar #137

Open GitNinja-bcd opened 1 week ago

GitNinja-bcd commented 1 week ago

Feature Description

We need to enhance the user interface of our navigation bar by adding a hover effect and incorporating icons for each navigation item. This will improve the overall user experience and make the navigation more intuitive and visually appealing.

Use Case

Improved User Experience on Desktop Enhanced Mobile Navigation Accessibility Improvements Consistent Brand Identity

Potential Solution

Hover Effect: Apply a smooth hover effect to each navigation item. The hover effect should change the background color and text color of the navigation item. The hover transition should be smooth and take around 0.3 seconds. Icons: Add an icon to the left of the text for each navigation item. Use a consistent set of icons (e.g., FontAwesome, Material Icons) to ensure visual coherence. Ensure that the icons are appropriately sized and aligned with the text.

Additional Context

No response

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Thank you for creating this issue! 🎉 We'll look into it as soon as possible.

GitNinja-bcd commented 1 week ago

Kindly assign me this issue under GSSOC'24

Pritam1729 commented 1 week ago

can i work on this issue under GSSOC 24