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Implement Chatbot Feature in MERN Stack Tech Blog Web App #63

Open AnanyaJain25 opened 4 weeks ago

AnanyaJain25 commented 4 weeks ago


We need to implement a chatbot feature in our MERN stack tech blog web app. The chatbot should have the following functionality:

Greet the user and ask how it can help them. Display a list of blog genres/categories the user can choose from. Allow the user to select a category and display relevant blogs.

singhJasvinder101 commented 1 week ago

arr you working on the task ??

AnanyaJain25 commented 1 week ago

yes actually I faced a lot of errors while merging my last push about password constraints so i have desicded to start everything again..will be working over all three tasks this weekend(password,forget password and chat(this one might take time) )but you will get some update this weekend . sorry for the delay