singhrishabh93 / Hacktoberfest-2022

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Need of working login/signup page #4

Open singhrishabh93 opened 1 year ago

singhrishabh93 commented 1 year ago

Hey there! There is a need of working login/signup project which should be added. You can use any frontend/backend technology to build it.

Login can be done using email and password Signup can be done using Name, email, password, and confirm password.

It must be responsive so that it can be viewed or accessed easily on any device.

Remember create pull requests only after 1 October.

ganajayant commented 1 year ago

hey,can i have this issue

singhrishabh93 commented 1 year ago

hey,can i have this issue

yes you can work on this issue but remember to pull this request only after 1st october

utkarsh4321 commented 1 year ago

can i make it in express.js.

singhrishabh93 commented 1 year ago

can i make it in express.js.

yes, ofcourse

ganajayant commented 1 year ago

do you also want mongodb?

singhrishabh93 commented 1 year ago

do you also want mongodb?

If it is required you can use it.

utkarsh4321 commented 1 year ago


ganajayant commented 1 year ago

you just want login and signup with validation and backend rendering page? do want any authentication

singhrishabh93 commented 1 year ago

you just want login and signup with validation and backend rendering page? do want any authentication

No I don't want any authentication I just want normal email and password validation

You can use authentication if you want to give your best.

ganajayant commented 1 year ago

so i will be using just static email and password for login is it okay?

singhrishabh93 commented 1 year ago

so i will be using just static email and password for login is it okay?


NandanVyas commented 1 year ago

Hello @singhrishabh93, I have done something similar in my project and I would like to contribute to this issue if you assign me this.

singhrishabh93 commented 1 year ago

Yes ofcourse you can contribute to this issue

singhrishabh93 commented 1 year ago

@utkarsh4321 @NandanVyas @ganajayant What's the progress? Tell me separately.

ganajayant commented 1 year ago

i have completed the issue i am waiting to make pr midnight after 12

singhrishabh93 commented 1 year ago

i have completed the issue i am waiting to make pr midnight after 12

Great man

6289513802 commented 1 year ago

I want to contribute in this issue can I? @singhrishabh93

singhrishabh93 commented 1 year ago

I want to contribute in this issue can I? @singhrishabh93

Yes you can contribute

singhrishabh93 commented 1 year ago

i have completed the issue i am waiting to make pr midnight after 12

@ganajayant Can you share your hacktoberfest screenshot of my merged PR

ganajayant commented 1 year ago

it is showing your repo is excluded from hacktoberfest event image image

singhrishabh93 commented 1 year ago

it is showing your repo is excluded from hacktoberfest event image image

@ganajayant Still finding what's the problem with this repo...

ganajayant commented 1 year ago

once check guidelines of hacktoberfest that would help

singhrishabh93 commented 1 year ago

once check guidelines of hacktoberfest that would help

Can you do it for me??

ganajayant commented 1 year ago

yeah sure i will try

singhrishabh93 commented 1 year ago

yeah sure i will try

Have you figured it out what's the issue on my REPO @ganajayant

ganajayant commented 1 year ago

once look into this

singhrishabh93 commented 1 year ago

once look into this

@ganajayant I've followed all the rules but have'nt found any issues in my repo