single-cell-data / SOMA

A flexible and extensible API for annotated 2D matrix data stored in multiple underlying formats.
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Add missing exported classes to somacore #79

Closed johnkerl closed 1 year ago

johnkerl commented 1 year ago

We need to export Measurement and Experiment in addition to Collection. While it is true the first two are specializations of the third, they are not all interchangeable. Specifically, we use soma_type: Final = "SOMAMeasurement" and soma_type: Final = "SOMAExperiment" as inherited in their analogous TileDB-SOMA classes. If TileDB-SOMA's Measurement inherits from somacore.Collection then its soma_type will be wrong; which is of course unacceptable.


johnkerl commented 1 year ago

No longer needed on

With @thetorpedodog 's able help we were able to get working with 0.0.0a2 of somacore.