This is more naive question as I do not have experience in SNPs.
I have 2 cell-lines scRNAseq data, combined sequenced. Now would like to separate using cellSNP (& vireo).
I got bulk RNA-seq data for this 2 cell-lines. So, question is how to make VCF file for REGION_VCF option?
Hi, you may call SNPs from (merged) bulk RNA-seq data to generate the VCF for REGION_VCF option, e.g., with samtools or cellsnp-lite mode 2b, and then pileup the scRNA-seq data with the VCF file.
This is more naive question as I do not have experience in SNPs.
I have 2 cell-lines scRNAseq data, combined sequenced. Now would like to separate using cellSNP (& vireo). I got bulk RNA-seq data for this 2 cell-lines. So, question is how to make VCF file for REGION_VCF option?