single-spa / create-single-spa
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🐛 helpful messaging at end of create-single-spa execution never prints #386

Open eckdanny opened 11 months ago

eckdanny commented 11 months ago

Having seen the SingleSpa*Generator#finished() src, pointing out I've never seen this actually print to stdout.

Steps to Reproduce

pnpx create-single-spa@4.1.4 --skipInstall


? Directory for new project __test-output
? Select type to generate single-spa application / parcel
? Which framework do you want to use? react
? Which package manager do you want to use? pnpm
? Will this project use Typescript? No
? Organization name (can use letters, numbers, dash or underscore) org
? Project name (can use letters, numbers, dash or underscore) proj
Initialized empty Git repository in <some-dir>/.git/

Initialized git repository

   create __test-output/package.json
   create __test-output/jest.config.js
   create __test-output/babel.config.json
   create __test-output/.eslintrc
   create __test-output/.gitignore
   create __test-output/.husky/pre-commit
   create __test-output/.prettierignore
   create __test-output/webpack.config.js
   create __test-output/src/root.component.js
   create __test-output/src/root.component.test.js
   create __test-output/src/org-proj.js

No change to package.json was detected. No package manager install will be executed.
Skipping install command: pnpm install

I'm all done. Just run pnpm install to install the required dependencies.

My yeoman foo is pretty weak, but I'm guessing has to do with the finished method (docs) not mapping to an available priority queue (probably should be end).

In any case, the output messaging probably is really helpful, but I've never seen it 😵