single-spa / single-spa-inspector

A devtools extension for single-spa applications
MIT License
76 stars 17 forks source link

At chrome Mon26, August 2024 -- This extension may soon no longer be supported because it doesn't follow best practices for Chrome extensions. #93

Open jcvargasGit opened 2 months ago

jcvargasGit commented 2 months ago

There is a Message:

This extension may soon no longer be supported because it doesn't follow best practices for Chrome extensions.


joeldenning commented 2 months ago

I tried to upload a new version of single-spa-inspector to the Chrome store, but the process had changed dramatically and they eventually rejected it in review without telling me why. I discussed it with the single-spa core team and they didn't know why it was rejected either.

I imagine that successfully uploading the new version to the Chrome store would remove that warning, but ran into a dead end with Google on it. This isn't high enough priority for me to prioritize immediately - if you're able to fund my work on it, I can try to open up a ticket or something with Google to get them to explain why they won't let me publish a new version. Dealing with nontechnical hurdles isn't worth it to me, otherwise.

A former member of the single-spa core team archived this project without my consent, and an inactive member of it created the deployment process in the first place. This project is a valuable one to the single-spa community, but I would need funding to put up with all the hurdles Google has put around extensions. Chrome store seems against automatic publishes now, which is ok with me as long as they actually explain why they reject the extension even after I jump every hurdle. I created entire web pages with privacy policies just to have them reject me without explanation.