single-spa / single-spa-react

Single-spa lifecycles helper for React applications
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Feature: automate publishing #162

Closed filoxo closed 1 year ago

filoxo commented 1 year ago

I was able to also run & test GitHub action locally using act. I don't know that that's a workflow we want to support (would possibly allow for making canary releases a lot easier, but with the added cost of maintaining those versions). It just requires a .env file with a valid GH_TOKEN and NPM_TOKEN to be sourced before running act.

joeldenning commented 1 year ago

How does auto shipit determine what new version to publish the changes under?

filoxo commented 1 year ago

If I recall,shipit is a wrapper for multiple other commands, version included. That makes use of the label applied to the PR per the docs here so it still requires manually specifying, but via a label on the PR instead of through publishing commands. defaults to patch if unspecified.