The if Statement was wrapped around the full Statement and didn't apply instance.root = instance.vueInstance.mount(appOptions.el); if handleInstance is not present. So MFEs based on Vue3 without handleInstance using single-spa-vue@2.5.0 always broke.
They would load and populate the dom initially but the vue instance would never be executed correctly.
I noticed that because newly created vue3 MFEs just didn't work. They would start and the Browser wouldn't show any Errors but the page would stay empty.
84 introduced a breaking Problem for Vue3 MFEs.
The if Statement was wrapped around the full Statement and didn't apply
instance.root = instance.vueInstance.mount(appOptions.el);
if handleInstance is not present. So MFEs based on Vue3 without handleInstance using single-spa-vue@2.5.0 always broke. They would load and populate the dom initially but the vue instance would never be executed correctly.I noticed that because newly created vue3 MFEs just didn't work. They would start and the Browser wouldn't show any Errors but the page would stay empty.