singlequote / Laravel-datatables

This repo contains a Datatable that can render a filterable and sortable table. It aims to be very lightweight and easy to use. It has support for retrieving data asynchronously, pagination and recursive searching in relations.
MIT License
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Improve docs / add tuturial #23

Closed Tumi-D closed 4 years ago

Tumi-D commented 4 years ago

DataTables warning: table id=laravelDataTable5ea4749c0bd1f - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see

wimurk commented 4 years ago

@Tumi-D hi,

Can you provide some more information? The Invalid JSON response means that your json reponsive is invalid. Can you share your controller and tableModel?

Tumi-D commented 4 years ago

I switched to using livewire I honestly just didn't get the tutorial. Your package would have saved me an eternity tho. I will take my time to understand and use it on my next project. Thanks still !. But I hope a simple step by step guide would be made available in the not too distant future.

wimurk commented 4 years ago

Hi, the docs don't include a tutorial but it is a good idea to create one. I will reopen and edit your question.

wimurk commented 4 years ago

22 Adding turorial github.pages tutorial

wimurk commented 4 years ago

Hi @Tumi-D,

Checkout the tutorial here. Could you please check it out and let me know if anything is incorrect

Tumi-D commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot! Like that, you took the time to add the tutorial However, it still didn't work.

The things I feel will make the tutorial better 1) You use this command

php artisan make:table-model UsersTable --buttons --translations --route=users --query

To create the tableModel (UsersTable class ) yet when referencing in the UsersController Class which should be specified on the onset of the tutorial as a resource you simply call the class Users:: class instead of UsersTable::class

2) I don't know where this class is coming from \DataTable. My Intellisense suggests \SingleQuote\DataTables\DataTable If this is the actual class the is no static method called model in it. I tried instantiating a new class to call the model method it just works the same as me calling the static model.

3) A hint to use laravel/ui to generate the basic app scaffolding

4)In the Filling your table column a missing comma after the email

public $columns = [ 'id', 'name', 'email', 'created_at' ];

5)A little funny grammatical error showen I think you meant shown.

Back To My Code I kinda stopped reading at ### Filling the table model

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\User; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use \SingleQuote\DataTables\DataTable as DataTable;

class UserController extends Controller {

 * Display a listing of the resource.
 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function index()

    // $simpledatatable = new DataTable();

    // $datatable = $simpledatatable->model(User::class);
    // dd($datatable);
    $datatable = \DataTable::model(User::class)->tableModel(\App\TableModels\UsersTable::class);

    return view('users.index')->with(compact('datatable')); //⇐ pass the variable to the view


- **My tableModel**


namespace App\TableModels;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Date; use SingleQuote\DataTables\Controllers\ColumnBuilder; use SingleQuote\DataTables\Fields\Button; //button field use SingleQuote\DataTables\Fields\Date as FieldsDate;


- **My View** 

@extends('') @section('content')

{!! $datatable->table() !!}


@push('js') {!! $datatable->script() !!} @endpush

**Unfortunately I probably missed something  !**  Final Output 

![Screenshot (56)](
wimurk commented 4 years ago

Thank you for trying the tuturial.

1) the DataTable as explained in the tutorial, requires 2 classes. First the model requires an eloquent Model like the User model. Second the actual tableModel you create using the command.

2) This is basic laravel. The \DataTable is a facade you can use. Read the docs here instead of calling the whole class ($datatable = new \SingleQuote\DataTable\DataTable) you can simply call the facade.

3) The packages doesn't rely on the ui or any Auth classes. Passing the User model which can be whatever the developer codes.

As for 4 and 5. Thanks :-)

I copied and tested your code. I don't see any errors popping up and it works like a charm. Can you provide the response the request returns?

wimurk commented 4 years ago

Closed issue for inactivity