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Exploration of Proof of Reputation Consensus Safety #279

Open akolonin opened 4 years ago

akolonin commented 4 years ago

This MSc student research task may or may not end-up with actual code submitted into this repository

Optional title: Distributed Consensus: Studying applicability of Proof-of-Reputation as an alternative consensus mechanism for Distributed Ledger Systems Russian: Исследование применимости "доказательства права репутацией" как альтернативного механизма обеспечения консенсуса для систем распределенного реестра

Main Goal: Explore do-ability and applicability of Proof of Reputation (PoR) Consensus Subgoals:

  1. Provide experimental implementation of PoR, based on either a) simplified version of multi-agent consensus negotiation or simulation of it implemented along the way; b) simplified version of multi-agent consensus negotiation or simulation of it implemented earlier by someone and available as open-source; c) some real multi-agent consensus negotiation protocol implemented earlier by someone and available as open-source.
  2. Explore resistance/vulnerability of PoR compared to PoW (plus may be some others forms of "proof", if desired) based on the above implementation, referring to the following specification:

References: a) Overview of the field on the subject b) Existing "Liquid Rank" implementation in Python: c) Existing Amazon-kind marketplace simulation in Python: d) PoR concept based on "Liquid Rank" e) Design considerations for PoR f) Attack-of-Clones vector design

akolonin commented 4 years ago

The steps for the first round (semester) of work: 1) Study the references above and more relevant references if needed 2) Decide on which kind of simulation of PoR to be used in the course of work (may need to study code sources and playing with existing options) 3) Draft the plan of work with milestones and deliverables for the future rounds (semesters)

Nutod commented 3 years ago

Project Plan of Attack

3rd Semester Goals

  1. Completing Testnet Implementation

4th Semester Goals

  1. Testnet exploration and analysis
Nutod commented 3 years ago

Link to code repository