singularity-energy / open-grid-emissions

Tools for producing high-quality hourly generation and emissions data for U.S. electric grids
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Fix plant vs subplant eia 923 cleaning and allocation logic #360

Closed rouille closed 1 month ago

rouille commented 1 month ago


The cleaning and allocation procedure fails at the plant level for years 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. For years 2018 and earlier the procedure fails for both the plant level and the subplant level.

This PR handles the plant vs subplant cases.

What the code is doing

Add a else statement for handling the plant level case. Also, the subplant emission factors are set to None for the plant level case.


Tested manually (see below). Note that the procedure has not been tested at the subplant level for years 2018 and earlier

Where to look

The only edits are in the oge.data_cleaning_module

Usage Example/Visuals

>>> gen_fuel_allocated, primary_fuel_table, _ = oge.data_cleaning.clean_eia923(
...         2022, small=False, add_subplant_id=False)
2024-05-06 17:31:43 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:478 The granular data tables contain 82.0% of the fuel and 57.7% of net generation in the higher-coverage generation_fuel_eia923 table.
2024-05-06 17:31:43 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1579 Distributing 0.1% annually reported records to months.
2024-05-06 17:32:11 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1579 Distributing 0.3% annually reported records to months.
2024-05-06 17:32:21 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1039 Associating and allocating 95 (0.0%) records with unexpected prime_mover_code.
2024-05-06 17:32:22 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1039 Associating and allocating 1001 (0.2%) records with unexpected prime_mover_code.
2024-05-06 17:32:24 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1244 Ratio calc types: 
   All gens w/in generation table:  91475#, 1.6e+07 MW
   Some gens w/in generation table: 1075#, 5.6e+04 MW
   No gens w/in generation table:   308034#, 8.9e+06 MW
2024-05-06 17:32:26 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1965 0.006% of records have are partially off from their 'IDX_PM_ESC' group
2024-05-06 17:32:26 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1977 gen v fuel table net gen diff:      57.7%
2024-05-06 17:32:26 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1981 new v fuel table net gen diff:      100.0%
2024-05-06 17:32:26 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:2018 1.57% of generator records are more that 5% off from the net generation table
2024-05-06 17:32:26 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1360 Ratio calc types: 
   All gens w/in boiler fuel table:  73781#, 1.3e+07 MW
   Some gens w/in boiler fuel table: 3100#, 9.3e+05 MW
   No gens w/in boiler fuel table:   323703#, 1.1e+07 MW
2024-05-06 17:32:28 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:2076 net_generation_mwh: 0.1% of allocated plant/year's are off by more than 5%
2024-05-06 17:32:28 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:2087 net_generation_mwh: Min and max differnce are x0.0 and x1.14
2024-05-06 17:32:28 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:2076 fuel_consumed_mmbtu: 0.0% of allocated plant/year's are off by more than 5%
2024-05-06 17:32:28 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:2087 fuel_consumed_mmbtu: Min and max differnce are x0.0 and x1.0
2024-05-06 17:32:28 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:2076 fuel_consumed_for_electricity_mmbtu: 0.0% of allocated plant/year's are off by more than 5%
2024-05-06 17:32:28 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:2087 fuel_consumed_for_electricity_mmbtu: Min and max differnce are x0.0 and x1.0
2024-05-06 17:32:28 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:412 FRACTION DROPPED: 0.0, NUM RECORDS DROPPED: 0
2024-05-06 17:32:28 [WARNING] oge.oge.data_cleaning:84 Bad input fuel data detected for the following generators:
2024-05-06 17:32:29 [WARNING] oge.oge.data_cleaning:85   report_date  plant_id_eia generator_id energy_source_code prime_mover_code  fuel_consumed_mmbtu ba_code
0  2022-05-01         10613         TG10                WDS               ST        -23653.975904    NBSO
1  2022-05-01         10613         TG11                WDS               ST        -27562.024096    NBSO
2024-05-06 17:32:29 [WARNING] oge.oge.data_cleaning:104 These values will be treated as missing values
2024-05-06 17:32:29 [WARNING] oge.oge.data_cleaning:84 Bad input fuel data detected for the following generators:
2024-05-06 17:32:29 [WARNING] oge.oge.data_cleaning:85   report_date  plant_id_eia generator_id energy_source_code prime_mover_code  fuel_consumed_for_electricity_mmbtu ba_code
0  2022-05-01         10613         TG10                WDS               ST                        -23653.975904    NBSO
1  2022-05-01         10613         TG11                WDS               ST                        -27562.024096    NBSO
2024-05-06 17:32:29 [WARNING] oge.oge.data_cleaning:104 These values will be treated as missing values
2024-05-06 17:32:32 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:77 There are 469 plant/fuel combinations that are either in EIA-923 Input or allocated EIA-923 but not in both
2024-05-06 17:32:32 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:92 There are 60 plant/fuel combinations in EIA-923 Input but not in allocated EIA-923. There are 3 rows with non-zero or missing values
2024-05-06 17:32:32 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:108 There are 409 plant/fuel combinations in allocated EIA-923 but not in EIA-923 Input. There are 0 rows with non-zero or missing values
2024-05-06 17:32:32 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:128 There are 7 plant/fuel combinations with non-zero (missing) net generation or fuel consumed that are different in allocated EIA-923 and EIA-923 Input
2024-05-06 17:32:32 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:137 Percentage Difference:
2024-05-06 17:32:32 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:138 
                                 net_generation_mwh  fuel_consumed_mmbtu  fuel_consumed_for_electricity_mmbtu ba_code
plant_id_eia energy_source_code                                                                                      
1316         NG                        8.704314e-02             0.000000                             0.000000    SWPP
10613        WDS                       1.171735e-16             0.056065                             0.558523    NBSO
54724        GEO                      -1.000000e+00            -1.000000                            -1.000000     IID
58256        MWH                      -1.000000e+00             0.000000                             0.000000     PNM
59817        SUN                      -1.000000e+00            -1.000000                            -1.000000    PACE
59825        WND                      -1.000000e+00            -1.000000                            -1.000000    CPLE
65498        WND                      -1.000000e+00            -1.000000                            -1.000000    MISO
2024-05-06 17:32:32 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:141 EIA-923 Input Totals:
2024-05-06 17:32:32 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:142 
                                 net_generation_mwh  fuel_consumed_mmbtu  fuel_consumed_for_electricity_mmbtu ba_code
plant_id_eia energy_source_code                                                                                      
1316         NG                             413.588              14274.0                              14274.0    SWPP
10613        WDS                          31047.793             913514.0                              91699.0    NBSO
54724        GEO                          98804.000             337120.0                             337120.0     IID
58256        MWH                            -83.000                  0.0                                  0.0     PNM
59817        SUN                             98.000                336.0                                336.0    PACE
59825        WND                           9972.000              34024.0                              34024.0    CPLE
65498        WND                           1158.000               3950.0                               3950.0    MISO
2024-05-06 17:32:32 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:148 Allocated Totals:
2024-05-06 17:32:32 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:149 
                                 net_generation_mwh  fuel_consumed_mmbtu  fuel_consumed_for_electricity_mmbtu ba_code
plant_id_eia energy_source_code                                                                                      
1316         NG                             449.588              14274.0                              14274.0    SWPP
10613        WDS                          31047.793             964730.0                             142915.0    NBSO
54724        GEO                              0.000                  0.0                                  0.0     IID
58256        MWH                                NaN                  NaN                                  NaN     PNM
59817        SUN                              0.000                  0.0                                  0.0    PACE
59825        WND                                NaN                  NaN                                  NaN    CPLE
65498        WND                                NaN                  NaN                                  NaN    MISO
2024-05-06 17:32:32 [INFO] oge.oge.validation:411 Checking that there are no missing energy source codes associated with non-zero fuel consumption...  
2024-05-06 17:32:32 [INFO] oge.oge.validation:422 OK
2024-05-06 17:32:32 [INFO] oge.oge.validation:222 Checking that fuel and emissions values are positive...  
2024-05-06 17:32:32 [INFO] oge.oge.validation:296 OK
2024-05-06 17:32:33 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:206 There are 119 plants where the assigned primary fuel doesn't match the capacity-based primary fuel.
It is possible that these plants will categorized as a different fuel in EIA-930
2024-05-06 17:32:34 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:209 
     plant_id_eia plant_primary_fuel_from_capacity_mw plant_primary_fuel plant_primary_fuel_from_capacity_mw_category plant_primary_fuel_category ba_code
0              63                                 DFO                WAT                                    petroleum                       hydro    AKMS
1              91                                 DFO                WAT                                    petroleum                       hydro    AKMS
2             160                                  NG                SUB                                  natural_gas                        coal    WALC
3             165                                  NG                SUB                                  natural_gas                        coal    SWPP
4             557                                  JF                WAT                                    petroleum                       hydro    ISNE
5             667                                 BIT                 NG                                         coal                 natural_gas     JEA
2024-05-06 17:32:36 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:728 NOx emission factors are missing for the following boiler types. A prime mover-fuel level factor will be used if available.
2024-05-06 17:32:36 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:731 Missing factors for FC prime movers are currently expected
2024-05-06 17:32:36 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:732 
      prime_mover_code energy_source_code wet_dry_bottom boiler_firing_type
24496               FC                LFG           none               none
14490               FC                 NG           none               none
24735               FC                OBG           none               none
2024-05-06 17:32:36 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:760 
            After filling with PM-fuel factors, NOx emission factors are still missing for the following boiler types.
            An emission factor of zero will be used for these boilers.
            Missing factors for FC prime movers are currently expected.
2024-05-06 17:32:36 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:766 
      prime_mover_code energy_source_code wet_dry_bottom boiler_firing_type
24496               FC                LFG           none               none
14490               FC                 NG           none               none
24735               FC                OBG           none               none
2024-05-06 17:32:37 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1579 Distributing 0.1% annually reported records to months.
2024-05-06 17:32:40 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:1467 SO2 emission factors are missing for the following boiler types. A prime mover-fuel level factor will be used if available.
2024-05-06 17:32:40 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:1470 Missing factors for FC prime movers are currently expected
2024-05-06 17:32:40 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:1471 
      prime_mover_code energy_source_code boiler_firing_type
24496               FC                LFG               none
14490               FC                 NG               none
24735               FC                OBG               none
2024-05-06 17:32:41 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:1497 SO2 emission factors are missing for the following boiler types. An emission factor of zero will be used for these boilers.
2024-05-06 17:32:41 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:1500 Missing factors for FC prime movers are currently expected
2024-05-06 17:32:41 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:1501 
      prime_mover_code energy_source_code boiler_firing_type
24496               FC                LFG               none
14490               FC                 NG               none
24735               FC                OBG               none
2024-05-06 17:32:43 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1579 Distributing 0.1% annually reported records to months.
2024-05-06 17:32:45 [INFO] oge.oge.validation:392 Checking that total fuel consumed >= fuel consumed for electricity...  
2024-05-06 17:32:45 [INFO] oge.oge.validation:404 OK
2024-05-06 17:32:45 [INFO] oge.oge.validation:723 Checking that adjusted emission values are less than total emissions...  
2024-05-06 17:32:45 [INFO] oge.oge.validation:829 OK
2024-05-06 17:32:46 [INFO] oge.oge.data_cleaning:696 Removing 0 plants that are not grid-connected
2024-05-06 17:32:46 [INFO] oge.oge.data_cleaning:660 Removing 1 plants located in the following states: ['PR']
2024-05-06 17:32:46 [INFO] oge.oge.validation:222 Checking that fuel and emissions values are positive...  
2024-05-06 17:32:46 [INFO] oge.oge.validation:296 OK


>>> gen_fuel_allocated, primary_fuel_table, _ = oge.data_cleaning.clean_eia923(
...         2018, small=False, add_subplant_id=False)
2024-05-06 17:33:08 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:478 The granular data tables contain 60.6% of the fuel and 61.5% of net generation in the higher-coverage generation_fuel_eia923 table.
2024-05-06 17:33:09 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1579 Distributing 0.1% annually reported records to months.
2024-05-06 17:33:33 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1579 Distributing 0.2% annually reported records to months.
2024-05-06 17:33:41 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1039 Associating and allocating 119 (0.0%) records with unexpected prime_mover_code.
2024-05-06 17:33:42 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1039 Associating and allocating 1104 (0.3%) records with unexpected prime_mover_code.
2024-05-06 17:33:44 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1244 Ratio calc types: 
   All gens w/in generation table:  100931#, 1.7e+07 MW
   Some gens w/in generation table: 597#, 7.9e+04 MW
   No gens w/in generation table:   267684#, 8.1e+06 MW
2024-05-06 17:33:45 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1965 0.008% of records have are partially off from their 'IDX_PM_ESC' group
2024-05-06 17:33:45 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1977 gen v fuel table net gen diff:      61.2%
2024-05-06 17:33:45 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1981 new v fuel table net gen diff:      100.0%
2024-05-06 17:33:45 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:2018 1.97% of generator records are more that 5% off from the net generation table
2024-05-06 17:33:46 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1360 Ratio calc types: 
   All gens w/in boiler fuel table:  81339#, 1.5e+07 MW
   Some gens w/in boiler fuel table: 3806#, 7e+05 MW
   No gens w/in boiler fuel table:   284067#, 9.5e+06 MW
2024-05-06 17:33:47 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:2076 net_generation_mwh: 0.0% of allocated plant/year's are off by more than 5%
2024-05-06 17:33:47 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:2087 net_generation_mwh: Min and max differnce are x0.0 and x1.07
2024-05-06 17:33:47 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:2076 fuel_consumed_mmbtu: 0.0% of allocated plant/year's are off by more than 5%
2024-05-06 17:33:47 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:2087 fuel_consumed_mmbtu: Min and max differnce are x0.0 and x1.0
2024-05-06 17:33:47 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:2076 fuel_consumed_for_electricity_mmbtu: 0.0% of allocated plant/year's are off by more than 5%
2024-05-06 17:33:47 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:2087 fuel_consumed_for_electricity_mmbtu: Min and max differnce are x0.0 and x1.0
2024-05-06 17:33:47 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:412 FRACTION DROPPED: 0.0, NUM RECORDS DROPPED: 0
2024-05-06 17:33:49 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:77 There are 371 plant/fuel combinations that are either in EIA-923 Input or allocated EIA-923 but not in both
2024-05-06 17:33:49 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:92 There are 62 plant/fuel combinations in EIA-923 Input but not in allocated EIA-923. There are 1 rows with non-zero or missing values
2024-05-06 17:33:49 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:108 There are 309 plant/fuel combinations in allocated EIA-923 but not in EIA-923 Input. There are 0 rows with non-zero or missing values
2024-05-06 17:33:49 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:128 There are 4 plant/fuel combinations with non-zero (missing) net generation or fuel consumed that are different in allocated EIA-923 and EIA-923 Input
2024-05-06 17:33:49 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:137 Percentage Difference:
2024-05-06 17:33:49 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:138 
                                 net_generation_mwh  fuel_consumed_mmbtu  fuel_consumed_for_electricity_mmbtu ba_code
plant_id_eia energy_source_code                                                                                      
617          NG                            0.000000            -0.000095                            -0.000095     FPL
56052        MWH                          -1.000000             0.000000                             0.000000     PJM
59012        OBG                          -0.374502            -0.374502                            -0.374502     PJM
59395        NG                           -1.000000            -1.000000                            -1.000000    CISO
2024-05-06 17:33:49 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:141 EIA-923 Input Totals:
2024-05-06 17:33:49 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:142 
                                 net_generation_mwh  fuel_consumed_mmbtu  fuel_consumed_for_electricity_mmbtu ba_code
plant_id_eia energy_source_code                                                                                      
617          NG                         6896328.163           46598679.0                           46598679.0     FPL
56052        MWH                          -4837.000                  0.0                                  0.0     PJM
59012        OBG                          56561.000             930598.0                             565218.0     PJM
59395        NG                            2115.000              18051.0                              18051.0    CISO
2024-05-06 17:33:49 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:148 Allocated Totals:
2024-05-06 17:33:49 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:149 
                                 net_generation_mwh  fuel_consumed_mmbtu  fuel_consumed_for_electricity_mmbtu ba_code
plant_id_eia energy_source_code                                                                                      
617          NG                        6.896328e+06         4.659426e+07                         4.659426e+07     FPL
56052        MWH                                NaN                  NaN                                  NaN     PJM
59012        OBG                       3.537879e+04         5.820872e+05                         3.535427e+05     PJM
59395        NG                        0.000000e+00         0.000000e+00                         0.000000e+00    CISO
2024-05-06 17:33:50 [INFO] oge.oge.validation:411 Checking that there are no missing energy source codes associated with non-zero fuel consumption...  
2024-05-06 17:33:50 [INFO] oge.oge.validation:422 OK
2024-05-06 17:33:50 [INFO] oge.oge.validation:222 Checking that fuel and emissions values are positive...  
2024-05-06 17:33:50 [INFO] oge.oge.validation:296 OK
2024-05-06 17:33:51 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:206 There are 158 plants where the assigned primary fuel doesn't match the capacity-based primary fuel.
It is possible that these plants will categorized as a different fuel in EIA-930
2024-05-06 17:33:51 [WARNING] oge.oge.validation:209 
     plant_id_eia plant_primary_fuel_from_capacity_mw plant_primary_fuel plant_primary_fuel_from_capacity_mw_category plant_primary_fuel_category ba_code
0              30                                  NG                DFO                                  natural_gas                   petroleum    MISO
1              63                                 DFO                WAT                                    petroleum                       hydro    AKMS
2              66                                 DFO                WAT                                    petroleum                       hydro    AKMS
3              91                                 DFO                WAT                                    petroleum                       hydro    AKMS
4             477                                 BIT                 NG                                         coal                 natural_gas    PSCO
5             544                                 KER                 NG                                    petroleum                 natural_gas    ISNE
2024-05-06 17:33:53 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:728 NOx emission factors are missing for the following boiler types. A prime mover-fuel level factor will be used if available.
2024-05-06 17:33:53 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:731 Missing factors for FC prime movers are currently expected
2024-05-06 17:33:53 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:732 
      prime_mover_code energy_source_code wet_dry_bottom boiler_firing_type
6616                CA                BIT           none              other
26008               FC                LFG           none               none
15946               FC                 NG           none               none
26782               FC                OBG           none               none
8986                ST                OBS            dry             stoker
3225                ST                 PG            wet     cyclone_firing
2024-05-06 17:33:54 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:760 
            After filling with PM-fuel factors, NOx emission factors are still missing for the following boiler types.
            An emission factor of zero will be used for these boilers.
            Missing factors for FC prime movers are currently expected.
2024-05-06 17:33:54 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:766 
      prime_mover_code energy_source_code wet_dry_bottom boiler_firing_type
26008               FC                LFG           none               none
15946               FC                 NG           none               none
26782               FC                OBG           none               none
2024-05-06 17:33:54 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1579 Distributing 0.1% annually reported records to months.
2024-05-06 17:33:58 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:1467 SO2 emission factors are missing for the following boiler types. A prime mover-fuel level factor will be used if available.
2024-05-06 17:33:58 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:1470 Missing factors for FC prime movers are currently expected
2024-05-06 17:33:58 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:1471 
      prime_mover_code energy_source_code boiler_firing_type
6616                CA                BIT              other
26008               FC                LFG               none
15946               FC                 NG               none
26782               FC                OBG               none
2024-05-06 17:33:58 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:1497 SO2 emission factors are missing for the following boiler types. An emission factor of zero will be used for these boilers.
2024-05-06 17:33:58 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:1500 Missing factors for FC prime movers are currently expected
2024-05-06 17:33:58 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:1501 
      prime_mover_code energy_source_code boiler_firing_type
26008               FC                LFG               none
15946               FC                 NG               none
26782               FC                OBG               none
2024-05-06 17:34:00 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:1666 Sulfur content data is missing in EIA-923 for the below units.
2024-05-06 17:34:00 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:1667 
    plant_id_eia generator_id prime_mover_code energy_source_code ba_code
0            557           10               GT                 JF    ISNE
1           2364          GT1               GT                 JF    ISNE
2           2364          GT2               GT                 JF    ISNE
3           2369          GT1               GT                 JF    ISNE
4           3954          JF1               GT                 JF     PJM
5           6223            1               GT                 JF    SWPP
2024-05-06 17:34:01 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel:1579 Distributing 0.1% annually reported records to months.
2024-05-06 17:34:02 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:1288 SO2 emission factors are missing for the above records
2024-05-06 17:34:02 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:1289 Missing factors for FC prime movers are currently expected
2024-05-06 17:34:03 [WARNING] oge.oge.emissions:1290 
    report_date  plant_id_eia energy_source_code prime_mover_code generator_id ba_code
0    2018-01-01           557                 JF               GT           10    ISNE
1    2018-01-01          2364                 JF               GT          GT1    ISNE
2    2018-01-01          2364                 JF               GT          GT2    ISNE
3    2018-01-01          2369                 JF               GT          GT1    ISNE
4    2018-01-01          3954                 JF               GT          JF1     PJM
5    2018-01-01          6223                 JF               GT            1    SWPP
2024-05-06 17:34:04 [INFO] oge.oge.validation:392 Checking that total fuel consumed >= fuel consumed for electricity...  
2024-05-06 17:34:04 [INFO] oge.oge.validation:404 OK
2024-05-06 17:34:04 [INFO] oge.oge.validation:723 Checking that adjusted emission values are less than total emissions...  
2024-05-06 17:34:04 [INFO] oge.oge.validation:829 OK
2024-05-06 17:34:04 [INFO] oge.oge.data_cleaning:696 Removing 3 plants that are not grid-connected
2024-05-06 17:34:04 [INFO] oge.oge.data_cleaning:660 Removing 1 plants located in the following states: ['PR']
2024-05-06 17:34:05 [INFO] oge.oge.validation:222 Checking that fuel and emissions values are positive...  
2024-05-06 17:34:05 [INFO] oge.oge.validation:296 OK

Review estimate

10 min

Future work

