singularity-energy / open-grid-emissions

Tools for producing high-quality hourly generation and emissions data for U.S. electric grids
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Landfill Gas (LFG) Emission Adjustments #73

Open grgmiller opened 2 years ago

grgmiller commented 2 years ago

The eGRID 2020 technical guide notes:

Emissions adjustments for NOx , SO2 , CH4 , and N2O emissions are only conducted for landfill gas in eGRID. This adjustment is based on the assumption that in many cases landfills would flare the gas if they did not combust it for electricity generation. Therefore, we assume that, at a minimum, the gas would have been combusted in a flare and would have produced some emissions of NOx , SO2 , CH4 , and N2O anyway.

Potential Methodological issues

Emission factor assumption

It also notes:

For NOx emissions from landfill gas, an emission factor for flaring of landfill gas, 0.02 tons per MMBtu, is used (EPA, 1995). Note that this factor was converted from units of lb/standard cubic foot (scf) to tons/MMBtu based on a value of 500 Btu/scf (EPA, 2016).

grgmiller commented 2 years ago

Regarding the NOx adjustement for LFG

According to AP-42, image

Converting 39 lbNO2 / million scf to lb / MMBtu using a factor of 500 BTU/scf results in a value of 0.078 lb/MMBtu.

As a side note, the existing value of 0.02 tons / MMBtu appears to be incorrect. Converting 39 lb/million scf to tons/MMbtu results in a value of 0.000039 tons / MMBTu. For 0.02 tons/MMBtu to be correct, the lb/million scf value would have to be approximately (0.02 x 500 x 2000=) 20,000 lb / million scf.

The methodology then involves subtracting the baseline NOx emissions from flaring from the unadjusted NOx emissions

grgmiller commented 2 years ago

For now, we are implementing this fix using the value of 0.078 lbNOx/MMBtu.

To prevent negative emissions, we use the formula adjusted emissions = MAX(0, unadjusted_emissions - (fuel_consumed_mmbtu * 0.078))