sinhrks / ggfortify

Define fortify and autoplot functions to allow ggplot2 to handle some popular R packages.
525 stars 65 forks source link

Your package was removed from CRAN!!!!! #185

Closed oldregan closed 6 years ago

oldregan commented 6 years ago

Hi, guys, I love your package. But I just found that your ggfortify was removed from CRAN two days ago. Can you update your package on CRAN as soon as possible? I would really appreciate it!!!!


terrytangyuan commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your support! We’ll try get it back to CRAN as soon as possible but in the meantime you can install from Github directly following instructions here.

terrytangyuan commented 6 years ago

I resubmitted the package with a couple of temporary fixes. It should be on CRAN soon. Thank you for your support and patience!

oldregan commented 6 years ago
