sinisterchipmunk / bitcoin-client

Provides a Ruby library to the complete Bitcoin JSON-RPC API. Implements all methods listed at .
126 stars 57 forks source link

Can we get a 0.0.4 gem? #34

Open brighton36 opened 9 years ago

brighton36 commented 9 years ago

It's been a good while since 0.0.3, and it would help for packaging. The biggest (only?) change is the change from Bitcoin::Client to BitcoinClient, but it's a tight little library, and the lack of an updated package is making it a little difficult, I'd rather not see this package get a fork over something silly...

rromanchuk commented 9 years ago

@brighton36 +1 I had to fork and i'm still in the process of modernizing this client

brighton36 commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply. So, is there an updated gem release you've created that I can slip into my own gemspec?

centromere commented 7 years ago

I too would like a release. Is this project dead?

ianmacd commented 6 years ago

Is there no up-to-date Ruby library for interacting with Bitcoin over RPC?

I've been out of programming for 10 or 11 years now, but Ruby was my language of choice right up until the day I stopped. Coming back to the language now via Bitcoin, I'm surprised to find that this now badly out-of-date library is the only one available for Ruby. I had expected to find at least one fully mature library to rival what Python has available.

Adding many of the missing methods, such as getnetworkinfo, is a trivial 3 line addition per RPC call. Has somebody already done the work in private and would be willing to share it, or do I need to do this myself?

I'm wary of committing time to this, as I don't want to get sucked back into coding. Once you start hacking on something, it's hard to stop until it becomes the very best that it can be, and my coding skills and knowledge of the Ruby tool-chain are too rusty at this point for me to relish that.

Anyway, if anyone has brought this library up to date, please do share.