sinkillerj / ProjectE

ProjectE. A complete rewrite of EE2 for modern Minecraft versions.
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Coal and Coal Blocks #1325

Open Ezelberoth opened 7 years ago

Ezelberoth commented 7 years ago

Ok, so I've been using ProjectE-1.9.4-PE1.0.4B and found that once I make the Philosopher's Stone, and then the Transmutation Table, I put a bunch of items I had collected, stacks of coal, feathers, cobblestone, dirt, etc... So then I realize I can make coal blocks, so I take coal out, make a block, put it in, then take a stack of coal blocks, since they burn longer in the furnace, so I replace fuel stacks slower. So then I realize a single Coal Block is 576 EMC, while a single piece of coal is 128 EMC. Ok, so if a Coal Block is 9 coal, then it should be 1152 for each coal block, not 576. I can take a coal block out, craft it into 9 coal and put back in and get twice the EMC. I also realized that once I tried to Sneak-Click the coal to remove a stack, it wouldn't let me remove any more, and showed a 0 on the coal in the interface. (screenshots attached)

0 coal coal x9 coal coalblock

MaPePeR commented 7 years ago

Any mod that adds a different recipe for a coal block?

Ezelberoth commented 7 years ago

Not that I'm aware of, I'll check it out next time I'm ingame. I didn't realize other mods adding recipes could affect the EMC cost of the item, especially when the recipe I used was the standard 9 coal. I'll let you know what I find out.

Ezelberoth commented 7 years ago

Ok, so it looks like Base Metals is adding a recipe for Coal Block which uses Carbon Dust (64 EMC) x9. Carbon Dust is gotten by grinding/crushing coal or charcoal. I'm not sure which item needs its EMC updated if any, or if there is a way to equalize the 3 items. Just seems kinda broke to be able to pull out coal blocks and convert to coal to get basically twice the EMC you had before.

MaPePeR commented 7 years ago

The problem here is, that this allows to convert charcoal(64emc) indirectly to coal (128emc) by grinding charcoal, turning the carbon into a block and turning the block back to coal.

There is not really a lot ProjectE can do about that by default (it probably warns you about that emc exploit in the log), because we want to keep the default values.

For you the easiest thing is probably to set the emc value of coal to 64 or remove the coal block to coal recipe.

sandalle commented 7 years ago

I didn't notice the EMC discrepancy (I didn't check :)), but I do notice that when I try to take out Coal it gets set to "0" available, even though I have lots of EMC (millions) available. Is that related to the Base Metals mod (which I have installed) messing with the Coal Block EMC or is that a separate bug?

Ezelberoth commented 7 years ago

@sandalle I also noticed this. I have found a workaround. Logging out and back in resets it, but if you try to take a stack of any fuel (coal, alchemical coal, redstone, etc) without any in your inventory already, it doesn't work and sets a red 0 on it. If you pick up a single one of the item first, you can then pick as many stacks as you need, then put the single one back.

Also, my charcoal is like 5 EMC, not 64... so if I grind the charcoal, and convert it to coal that way, I get even higher EMC boost. The only real solution I can think of would be to perhaps make the charcoal grind into charcoal dust, instead of coal dust.

scottosx commented 7 years ago

I notice this too. I could pull out coal until I added a coal block. Then trying to pull a stack of coal shows a red zero. I am playing the SkyExchange mod pack which has Ex Nihlio Omnia and Ex Compressum. Not Base Metals though.

In this pack there is not a special recipe for a coal block but there is for coal. It seems odd though because all should resolve to vanilla minecraft coal and that should store and pull just fine from the Transmutation Table.

Is there a way to remove a single item from the personal EMC database and re-add it to try and fix it on my side? Sorry if this is a RTFM question.

Heimdell commented 7 years ago

I found that bug game-breaking.

I had the same problem with any fuel (Alchemical Coal, for instance). I don't think some other mod I had installed a recipe for it!