sinkillerj / ProjectE

ProjectE. A complete rewrite of EE2 for modern Minecraft versions.
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[Suggestion] Fuel Matter and Matter Matter #1362

Open Schrubbls opened 7 years ago

Schrubbls commented 7 years ago

I thought for a balance point of view that it would be quite nice to get a config option to have like in EE2 the transmutation table locks would be cool to add em :)

MaPePeR commented 7 years ago

If i remember correctly these were removed in EE2 later on.

Schrubbls commented 7 years ago

ok, i still wouldnt mind that feature ;)

sinkillerj commented 7 years ago

I dont quite follow the request here, are you asking for the ability to disable matter or fuel transmutation?

MaPePeR commented 7 years ago

sinkillerj: i think Schrubbls wants the transmutation-locks back like in old EE2, where you cannot transmute between Fuel-Type EMC and Matter-Type EMC - except when using a klein star...

Schrubbls commented 7 years ago

jup thy for explaining

sinkillerj commented 7 years ago

Ah gotcha now. Ill consider doing this, but really the only decent way of doing it would be 2 separate EMC storages, that or no storage at all.

cookta2012 commented 7 years ago

well you could have a simple flag on the table Mode(Unlocked,Matter,Fuel)

Blu3wolf commented 7 years ago

It could be done as a flag (at least, I would assume so never having looked at your source code, nor that for any minecraft mod), but if for whatever reason it could not, no storage would be better, I would suggest. There is little point to the stars if you have an infinite storage battery in the tablet. Almost no point, but some power tools use the stars. Although, there is no point to the progression either.

If there were no storage on the tablet, that would then make the star progression both meaningful and useful.