sinkillerj / ProjectE

ProjectE. A complete rewrite of EE2 for modern Minecraft versions.
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How to set EMC via tags (such as forge:fruits for Pam's Harvestcraft 2)? #2177

Closed darthvader45 closed 2 years ago

darthvader45 commented 2 years ago

Tickets that do not conform to this template will be closed without comment

Exact ProjectE version (do not say "latest", "latest on Curse", or similar):

Exact Forge version: PE1.0.1B

Link to crash log (please use a paste site, do not attach the .txt or paste the log inline): N/A

Steps to reproduce:

  1. N/A

What I expected to happen: /projecte setemc forge:fruits 128 sets any item with that tag to 128 EMC

What happened instead: Sets minecraft:air with this tag to 128 EMC, which does nothing.

pupnewfster commented 2 years ago

You are missing a # at the start of the tag. The standard that Mojang has set for how to reference tags is #<location> so in your case it would be #forge:fruits

darthvader45 commented 2 years ago

Thanks. Now it works, I'll remember to set all the tags up as they were back when OreDictionary was a thing.