sinkillerj / ProjectE

ProjectE. A complete rewrite of EE2 for modern Minecraft versions.
MIT License
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schedule bonus ticks #2253

Open wagyourtail opened 1 year ago

wagyourtail commented 1 year ago

schedule at the end of the tick, drop if lagging too much

add config option for max tps drop TimeWatch can cause

is this a good idea?

pupnewfster commented 1 year ago

This definitely sounds like something that would be good as a config option at the least, will try and take a look at it whenever I next get around to working on ProjectE

pupnewfster commented 8 months ago

I am going to look into this in the next few days, though odds are I will more so pull it out of the PR/reimplement and copy bits as I am currently finishing up 1.19 before moving to 1.20 and this PR is targeted at 1.18

pupnewfster commented 8 months ago was my experimentation with this and there are some things I am not quite sure about in regards to things like assuming all blocks have same number of ticks given to them then they do one at a time a single extra tick, but it means validation has to be done again as if one of the blocks that got accelerated was a miner or something then the other block may no longer exist. So for now I am shelving this until 1.20.3+ when mojang is adding a tick command to make testing this easier and potentially if we are lucky maybe is doing some cleanup of how things are ticked to allow batching them easier? (doubtful but we can hope)