sinkillerj / ProjectE

ProjectE. A complete rewrite of EE2 for modern Minecraft versions.
MIT License
408 stars 206 forks source link

Code/resource contributors please submit your UUID - High Alchemist list #338

Open sinkillerj opened 9 years ago

sinkillerj commented 9 years ago

If you have contributed code or a resource to ProjectE and it was accepted/merged please reply to this issue with the commit or some other form of proof, as well as your Minecraft UUID. I will then add you to the High Alchemist list, this adds a special chat message when you join servers running ProjectE.

You can find your UUID using:

ViolentNinjaD commented 9 years ago

Proof: #335 #341 #345

UUID: 0fa44114-eff7-44d9-ab06-249b49520509

The pocket watch idea sounds awesome :+1: :)

master801 commented 9 years ago

UUID: 99c5c737-f1ab-45a4-9757-1e80425643f2 Proof: #337

kolatra commented 9 years ago

UUID: 1d5e02e0-7e54-4e9e-8d9c-548b22c02daf Proof: #90

Brycey92 commented 9 years ago

UUID: 8527ba19-65f0-4a96-ba9c-efe6defb6c73 Proof: #172 #177

MaPePeR commented 9 years ago

UUID: f692ea1d-ec62-4c25-8ff9-0155cff2b27c

bdew commented 9 years ago


Schultz commented 9 years ago


ErrorCraftLP commented 9 years ago

Minecraft: ErrorCraftLP_ Proof: #470, #543, #681, #703 and #733 UUID: 0e497302-da83-45fd-9b19-ee072ea3ff18

williewillus commented 9 years ago

Minecraft: williewillus

Commits: as well as (doesn't show in my commit history because it was merged manually by sinkillerj)

UUID: 7a66d29d-6d01-4d73-a277-5b5c966dbd59

269cc110 commented 9 years ago

UUID: bbc32586-9b72-4f19-bc3d-589600728cb1 Proof: #739

Samario1 commented 9 years ago

Minecraft: Samario UUID: c77cdd21-8b4f-48a4-84eb-5676369643e3 Proof: I did some spelling correction somewhere but I can't find it now EDIT: #737

Lilylicious commented 9 years ago

UUID: a9411cea-f29d-40a2-9497-afc809bbe52b Proof: #808

williewillus commented 9 years ago

@Samario1 here

didis54 commented 9 years ago

didis54 UUID :2ea5efa1-756b-4c9e-9605-7f53830d6cfa Proof : Translate the french languages

Joccob commented 9 years ago

Minecraft: Joccob UUID:ed9cd5db-adba-4638-a2c2-968ff7648aaf Proof: #791

pupnewfster commented 6 years ago

MC Name: pupnewfster UUID: 64e57307-72e5-4f43-be9c-181e8e35cc9b Proof: (merged), as well as two currently open pulls: and

DonovanDMC commented 8 months ago

Only just realized this existed today 👀 Though it looks like no one's been here in almost 6 years

..nonetheless UUID: 5026e98c-bd0f-4744-b0a7-9f41e2c8d0ef Proof: #2245