sinkovit / Spatial-ecology

Space use software deployed in the Spatial Ecology Gateway
MIT License
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shared sample data #149

Open monaw opened 1 month ago

monaw commented 1 month ago

setup a sample data folder that all users can access

monaw commented 1 month ago

@sinkovit , i tried the Condor sample dataset and it is quite big and was taking quite awhile for the hub to compute as i forgot to make the cell size parameter a big value. might be better to have couple of smaller sample datasets?

sinkovit commented 3 weeks ago

Hi Mona, if the condor/dugong/panda files and vignettes I sent last week work, you can use those instead and then close this issue.

monaw commented 3 weeks ago

@sinkovit, yes the new data worked (mostly)

can you help me test access to the data file by running our app in the gateway and choose to load data from "Gateway", then in the dialog box, click on "Home" near the upper right, do you see the "sampledataset" option listed? Screenshot 2024-08-19 at 6 37 32 PM

sinkovit commented 3 weeks ago

I had replied in Slack, but something wonky is going in with our Slack conversations. Your posts aren't showing up in the app.

I tested the [condor|dugong|panda].txt files using the parameters specified in my vignette and everything is working fine. You can delete Condor-pair-utm.csv

Since everything is working for me with these data sets, I'm closing this issue.

monaw commented 3 weeks ago

i'm reopening this as i need to test this access with others who are NOT a member of the project as i added you as a manager to the project...i'll ask James and Jesse to test also since they are not a member of the sampledataset project...

monaw commented 3 weeks ago

Jesse did a test and unfortunately he was unable to see the sampledataset; ask Hubzero for another mechanism?

monaw commented 2 weeks ago

From Nick @ HZ

Steve would have the best answer. But you can certainly load files from your home directory. Maybe from project or group dirctories, not super sure. And I believe Steve sets up tool directories sometimes in /data and can make those files available to tools. Mostly it comes down to how often the data files need to be changed/added and by whom.

checking with Steve...

monaw commented 2 weeks ago

from Steven @ HZ

One option is to include the example files in the tool repository. For HUB hosted repositories there is a examples directory for that purpose. Another option employed by some HUBs is to create a tool specific directory under /data/tools for hosting examples or other data files. The tool specific directory content can be managed by the tool development team (Pascal has set this up several times). With either option user can read posted examples but contribute new examples.

so i submitted a ticket asking Hubzero to setup /data/tools/mkde/samples/ and add the 3 files from Bob and allow the development team to be able to manage the directory.

i will need to modify our app to be able to read from that directory...