sinoroc / tox-poetry-dev-dependencies

Tox plugin to help working with Poetry-based projects
Apache License 2.0
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Support for Poetry dependency groups #25

Closed fredrikaverpil closed 1 year ago

fredrikaverpil commented 4 years ago

As originally posted in the Poetry Discord.

Poetry is about to turn 1.1 and I am super keen on the scheduled ”dependency groups” feature, scheduled for 1.2: I was just thinking ”out loud”... with your plugin, maybe one could define one or more groups in a specific tox testenv. What do you think about that?

Maybe something like

add_poetry_dependency_groups = [”qa”]
commands =
    black --check

I'm not sure how the devs ultimately intend the dependency groups too work in detail. But perhaps they will add a way to define both inclusion as well as exclusion of such groups.

It's too early for this, to be honest, but perhaps good to keep in mind that this is (hopefully) around the corner.

sinoroc commented 4 years ago


Makes sense to me. I don't see anything that would speak against it. We'll keep an eye on it.