sinshu / numflat

A numerical computation library for C#
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sinshu commented 4 months ago

sinshu commented 2 months ago


sinshu commented 2 months ago
sinshu commented 3 weeks ago

sinshu commented 2 weeks ago

This naive implementation seems to be working 😁✨

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;

namespace NumFlat.MultivariateAnalyses
    public sealed class IndependentComponentAnalysis : IVectorToVectorTransform<double>
        private PrincipalComponentAnalysis pca;
        private int componentCount;

        public IndependentComponentAnalysis(IReadOnlyList<Vec<double>> xs, int componentCount)
            this.pca = xs.Pca();
            this.componentCount = componentCount;

            var scale = pca.EigenValues.Map(Math.Sqrt);
            var whiten = xs.Select(x => pca.Transform(x).PointwiseDiv(scale)).ToArray();


            xs = whiten;

            // Vectors stored as rows.
            // Each row corresponds to a component.
            var random = new Random(57);
            var w = new Mat<double>(componentCount, componentCount);
            foreach (ref var value in w.Memory.Span)
                value = 2 * random.NextDouble() - 1;


            for (var ite = 0; ite < 30; ite++)
                var svd = w.Svd();
                var u = svd.U;
                var sinv = svd.S.Select(s => 1 / s).ToDiagonalMatrix();
                var k = u * sinv * u.Transpose();
                w = k * w;

                for (var c = 0; c < componentCount; c++)
                    var wc = w.Rows[c];
                    var wxs = xs.Select(x => wc * x).ToArray();
                    var gwxs = wxs.Select(G).ToArray();
                    var gpwxs = wxs.Select(Gp).ToArray();
                    var e1 = xs.Zip(gwxs, (x, g) => x * g).Mean();
                    var e2 = gpwxs.Average();
                    var wc2 = e1 - e2 * wc;

            using (var writer = new StreamWriter("ica.csv"))
                foreach (var y in xs.Select(x => w * x))
                    writer.WriteLine(string.Join(',', y));

        public void Transform(in Vec<double> source, in Vec<double> destination)

        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public int SourceDimension => pca.SourceDimension;

        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public int DestinationDimension => componentCount;

        private static double G(double value)
            return Math.Tanh(value);

        private static double Gp(double value)
            var tanh = Math.Tanh(value);
            return 1 - tanh * tanh;
sinshu commented 2 weeks ago


デフォルト値 tol=1e-4

sinshu commented 2 weeks ago

Python の実装では fit したベクトル集合を transform すると、次元ごとの二乗和が 1 になるような正規化が掛かる。そのため fit 対象の点数が多いほど transform したときのスケーリングは小さくなる。

sinshu commented 1 week ago