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Page Specific Stylesheets #566

Closed jbaldo closed 4 years ago

jbaldo commented 8 years ago

Question about the best way to achieve page specific styling in Harp.

One approach is documented here. Essentially, define custom stylesheets in _data.json for each page and iterate over each collection and include on the page. That should work, but for performance reasons, it's a shame to have to make so many http requests.

I'm wondering if there's a better way. It would be great to dynamically include partials in a main.scss based on current.source like you would in a jade or ejs template. But I'm guessing scss is only processed once, not for each page? And current.source isn't exposed in a scss file.

So the only other method I can think of to get everything into one would request would be something like:

├── index.ejs
├── style
│   ├── index.scss
│   └── _main.scss


@import 'main';
// some page specific scss


<link rel="stylesheet" href="style/<%- current.source %>.css">

Are there any other common patterns for this? Thanks for any thoughts. Sorry if this is a dupe question. Didn't find much on a search.

matteo-bombelli commented 8 years ago

If you would like to have different things on the same file you can just add a class to the body like

<body class="page-<%- current.source %>">

so you can use the file name as a class for filtering the css... or a more complex approach similar to the one wordpress has

I'm implementing this functionality into my project:

this function is part of a big modular way of using harp...

if you prefer you can use

├── index.ejs
├── blog
│   └──
├── style
│   ├── blog
│   │   └── post.scss
│   ├── index.scss
│   ├── post.scss
│   └── _main.scss

and use

<% var cssurl=current.path.join("/") %>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/style/<%- cssurl %>.css">

in this way you can have different styles for /post and /blog/post

in harp there are no standard rules: you can do what you prefer...

Personally i would prefer to do something different: specify the path in the data.json file


and in the header/layout:

<% if(typeof cCssFile !== "undefined" ){ if(cCssFile){%>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%- cCssFile %>">
<& } } %>

so you're not forced to have a css for every page...