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Include CSS as inline style using <partial>? #599

Closed x5hwuk7nc6jsudcc closed 4 years ago

x5hwuk7nc6jsudcc commented 7 years ago

How to include compiled SCSS file (or even just straight CSS file) as an inline-style in the document head?

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) requires CSS be provided this way (not as link to stylesheet).

This code doesn't work:

  <style amp-custom>
    <%- partial("/_framework/_style.scss") %>

Any ideas? Thanks.

justindujardin commented 7 years ago

I modified my forks of harp/terraform to support partial LESS files. It works fine for my usage but it breaks some tests and I won't support it, so your mileage may vary.



npm i --save git+

Use exactly like your original post except with a less file.