sintaxi / harp

Static Web Server/Generator/Bundler
5k stars 342 forks source link

Security issue requires project maintainers attention #646

Closed lirantal closed 3 years ago

lirantal commented 5 years ago


As a member of the Node.js Security WG I would like to draw your attention to a security report that has been made regarding this package.

I have made attempts to contact the person identified as a maintainer of this package but did not get any answer. What is the best way to reach someone with commit rights over this repo and hopefully npm publishing rights as well, in order to invite them to privately discuss the issue on the HackerOne platform and provide a resolution?

Thanks, Liran Tal.


sintaxi commented 5 years ago

Hi Liran, Thanks for reaching out. You can email security vulnerabilities to brock [at]

lirantal commented 5 years ago

@sintaxi I had already sent 2 invites there. This is now the 3rd time I'm doing. Please check your inbox/spam folder for 2 different invitations (2 issues) and please join them.

sintaxi commented 5 years ago

@lirantal I've added a file which includes instructions on how one can report a security vulnerability for the harp library.

lirantal commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I appreciate the extra awareness for security concerns 👍 Does it mean you will not join the conversation on HackerOne for the currently outstanding 2 issues that needs attention?

I'm curious why you prefer handling disclosures directly instead of relying on a Node.js Foundation's governing body for this purpose?

sintaxi commented 3 years ago

@lirantal Can you please remove the erroneous warning HackerOne has on harp? Do we have to go directly to npm to clear this up?

lirantal commented 3 years ago

I'm on a weekend time off with the family. Can you share the link to which report is it and the error in it? I'll take a look as soon as I can.

sintaxi commented 3 years ago

@lirantal thanks for the quick reply. Feel free to put this off until after the weekend. I don't want to interrupt your time with family.

All versions of Harp are currently flagged as having a "XSS vulnerability" for not escaping output of markdown.

All versions of harp are vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting. Due to misconfiguration of its rendering engine

The report assumes a third party has access to modifying markdown files which is a fundamental misunderstanding of what harp is. The primary function of harp is to send unescaped markup to the browser and that is the expected behaviour of its users.

harp does not sanitize the HTML output allowing attackers to run arbitrary JavaScript when processing malicious files

For an attacker run arbitrary JavaScript they would have to have access to the file system which would clearly be a compromised system under the security model of a static web server. In Harp, markdown files share the same security model as all other files. Any script that can be added to a markdown file could just the same be served by adding the script to a .js or .html file to be served to the browser. Its an error to consider this a vulnerability because that is Harp's intended purpose and expected behaviour.

Please redact all vulnerability flags for Harp OR demonstrate how Harp is vulnerable beyond having access to the files it serves - which is no different than the vulnerabilities of NGINX, Apache, or any other static web server.

Thanks for your attention on this matter. I hope this can be addressed without further complication.

Have a good time with your family. No response is expected until after the weekend.

thanks, Brock

# npm audit report

harp  *
Severity: moderate
Cross-Site Scripting -
No fix available

1 moderate severity vulnerability

Some issues need review, and may require choosing
a different dependency.
lirantal commented 3 years ago

@sintaxi thanks for explaining. From a personal note, and also as the original triager of the security report, I still consider harp vulnerable. My rational for this is:

  1. Unlike the statement you made in bold, there's nowhere I see in the README that harp is used to send unescpaed and potentially insecure input to the browser.
  2. While you assume that files are already vulnerable if someone would compromise the system - that's a bit naive and missing cases like: A; I'm a developer who mistakenly added HTML/Unescaped markdown syntax that put me in harm's way. B; I'm using this as a blog system and others contribute blog items for me via pull requests that introduce Markdown files. What happens if they push in malicious JavaScript?

Not to promise any action here on any upstream parties who handle the vulnerability but I'd say that if you accept that the behavior of harp is insecure by default then you should put it as such in a cleary security disclaimer on the top and explain to users the exact security risks involved.

A small note about the vulnerability sources - I'll share the information with the Snyk security team, which has the report over at npmjs advisories and others would need to have their own personal handling it. I suggest though that we first reach a conclusion here and then take it upstream.

sintaxi commented 3 years ago

@lirantal Your claim of vulnerability is based on false presuppositions about what markdown is as well as a contrived scenario that relies on security breakdowns in places that have nothing to do with harp. You are misleading the public with this claim and you have damaged the harp project as a result. I implore you to reconsider your position before doing more damage.

  1. Unlike the statement you made in bold, there's nowhere I see in the README that harp is used to send unescaped and potentially insecure input to the browser.

Yes, it does. The very first line of the README is "Harp is a static web server that also serves Jade, Markdown, EJS, Less, Stylus, Sass, and CoffeeScript as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript without any configuration" That is what the README has always said. Harp is described as "a static web server with built in preprocessing". No reasonable person expects a static web server to escape the html it sends to the browser because that is not what static web servers do.

  1. While you assume that files are already vulnerable if someone would compromise the system - that's a bit naive and missing cases like: A; I'm a developer who mistakenly added HTML/Unescaped markdown syntax that put me in harm's way. B; I'm using this as a blog system and others contribute blog items for me via pull requests that introduce Markdown files. What happens if they push in malicious JavaScript?

How is serving JavaScript a vulnerability of harp? Blogging with harp is no different than blogging with HTML. Why would there be any expectation that the security model would somehow change for that one and only preprocessor when that is not claimed anywhere in the harp documentation. If anything harp goes out of its way to state that harp sees Markdown no differently than it sees an HTML file. "All preprocessing happens implicitly, so there is nothing to setup. Just name your file with an .md extension, and the Harp web server will serve it as a .html file." and "Both and will be served as an .html file".

Can you as a third party modify the markdown files of a harp project? No. Does harp have any built in way to do this? No. Does harp have any mechanism to expose markdown in a different security model than HTML or JavaScript? No. So why are you imposing this contrived use case without any expectation that security measures would be taken by someone who uses harp that way? The Markdown specification states "Markdown is a lightweight markup language" and that is how it is used in harp.

The so-called vulnerability has not been demonstrated and is therefore invalid. It was reported by someone with a negative reputation on the HackerOne platform who incorrectly assumed third-parties have access to editing the source code of harp projects - which they don't. The track record of the reporter shows they spammed vulnerability reports for several libraries that use markdown.

Please redact this vulnerability report for all versions of harp.

sintaxi commented 3 years ago

@lirantal are you aware that your own blog that uses Eleventy treats Markdown the same way as Harp?? So if unescaped markdown output is a security vulnerability why would you use a blogging platform that doesn't escape markdown output?

Screen Shot 2021-05-31 at 1 46 47 AM
lirantal commented 3 years ago

@sintaxi I appreciate your involvement here and want to state again that my comments here are my own personal opinion (as I said already) and don't reflect the Node.js ecosystem security WG or Snyk's. That said, I've shared your request internally with Snyk and I'll update when the folks triage and give me some input.

I entered this conversation as an individual who is active in the security space and am here to help and converse proactively and with constructive feedback. Entirely with good faith and with appreciation to the project and to you as an open source maintainer ❤️


To explain my rationale about the vulnerability and how it is nuanced in the detail as something different than say nginx/other static web servers:

If I was a maintainer of this project, I'd put a very clear security disclaimer that explains the security concerns and that harp doesn't do anything on its own to sanitize preprocessed files.

sintaxi commented 3 years ago

@lirantal thank you helping us move this towards a resolution and taking the time to explain your rationale. Regardless of how this conversation resolves I intend to clarify in documentation how Harp processes Markdown so there is no confusion. (perhaps that is enough for you). At the conclusion of this post I present two options I see as a way to move this forward.

Your rationalle seems to be based on the sum of two claims. Those claims are thus...

Claim 1: Markdown is a "safe by default" subset of HTML. <script> tags are to be escaped to be valid Markdown. Exposing unescaped <script> tags violates the markdown specification.

Claim 2: Harp promotes/exposes an API that would make serving/editing Markdown files that have been edited by a 3rd-party easy or likely.

To me your rationalle is predicated on both the claims being true. If Claim 1 isn't true, then there would be no reason to differentiate Markdown from HTML, JavaScript, Jade, or EJS files and harp is just doing what it says it does. If Claim 2 isn't true then there is no compromised Markdown to worry about.

Going back to the NGINX example. If we put a Rails app behind NGINX to enable third-party editing of the static files that NGINX serves, would that be a vulnerability of NGINX? Should a "Cross-Site Scripting" vulnerability warning be shown to everyone who installs NGINX because you can use Rails to edit the files that NGINX serves? Just so it's understood that is exactly the burden that has been placed on the harp library. The possibility of putting a dubious application behind Harp is being proclaimed as a vulnerability in harp.

You wield a lot of power and it would help us a lot if we can reach an agreement. I propose two suggestions...

1) You demonstrate both claims are true. 1) Markdown is specified as a safe by default subset of HTML which should escape arbitrary HTML tags, ...and 2) Harp promotes/exposes functionality that makes unreviewed third party editing of Markdown files easy or likely. If this is the case we will agree to display a "disclaimer" as you suggest.

2) Alternatively, we update the docs to explicitly include the example <script>alert("hello javascript")</script> and clarify how it is used so there is no confusion how harp processes Markdown. In this case I think vulnerability warnings for all versions of harp should be redacted since the behaviour is compliant with the Markdown specification and works as described in the README.

Are you willing to agree to either of these two options?

lirantal commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure how you concluded that I'm making any of these claims, but I guess things can easily get lost in just a conversation :-)

The point I am strongly trying to make is that, unlike Nginx being a pure web server that just serves static files, harp goes a step further and actually preprocesses a file's contents to render it to the browser. It perhaps a nuanced detail, but very important in my opinion to not forgo.

I'll try to further iterate that point with more examples to see if I'm able to convey my train of thought better:

My last point to make here is - if someone would say "hey Harp is vulnerable because it is serving my HTML which has script tags in it" we would both rule it as invalid because harp just reads the contents of an HTML file, and sends it to the client. If you feed it a security flaw, it sends out a security flaw. The same can be said on an insecure API like Node.js's system command - if a developer does child_process.exec("cd " + userDirectory).

However, in the case of harp, it processes a Markdown file and transforms it to HTML. Harp effectively applies a new logic on an input (the input is, that results in a new output (file.html which is the HTML as a result of the Markdown).

All of the above summarizes my own personal take on why I'd make a case for a web server being vulnerable if a vulnerability such as would've been discussed.


Now, to a more practical set of actions. Why as a maintainer of a project, wouldn't you want to provide a security warning/disclaimer to users of your project, so they're aware of potential vulnerabilities? Marked clearly stated how it works by default, which may put users at risk, but it is clearly conveyed in the README: image

I noticed that you updated the README to similarly show that Markdown data is rendered unsanitized. I think that's a good practical approach that relieves the project from the risks and transfers it to the end user (this is a known risk management security practice).

To be explicit again - I have no weigh in retracting the vulnerability or not, all of this discussion so far is me conveying my own thoughts on the matter and I'm still waiting to hear back from the Snyk security research team on this. I have reasons to believe that your notice in the recent README update would help but let's wait and see.

sintaxi commented 3 years ago

I think we finally we have a unambiguous way to come to an agreement...

if someone would say "hey Harp is vulnerable because it is serving my HTML which has script tags in it" we would both rule it as invalid because harp just reads the contents of an HTML file, and sends it to the client. If you feed it a security flaw, it sends out a security flaw.

So it boils down to this one thing. If HTML is a subset of Markdown and arbitrary HTML tags such as <script> are valid then you retract your claim that Harp's handling of Markdown is a vulnerability. If Markdown is a safe-by-default subset of HTML and arbitrary HTML tags are invalid, then Harp ought to escape the output or add a disclaimer. Agreed?

sintaxi commented 3 years ago

@lirantal Docify is a client-side proxy that loads untrusted third-party Markdown files located at any publicly available URL. The vulnerability was demonstrated on the live website by setting the fragment identifier at to an untrusted python server. Eg

docsify.js uses fragment identifiers (parameters after # sign) to load
resources from server-side .md files. it then renders the .md file inside
the HTML page.

For example : sends an ajax to and renders it inside the html page.

due to lack of validation it is possible to provide external URLs after the
/#/ and render arbitrary javascript/HTML inside the page which leads to
DOM-based Cross Site Scripting (XSS).

The report includes steps to reproduce:

sintaxi commented 3 years ago

Just so that it's understood. The python server was able to send any code it wanted to the website. The vulnerability was caused by a lack of validation identifying external links. The XSS attack was created with raw html not unescaped markdown.

Python Server...

flask.Response("Html Injection and XSS PoC</p><img src=1
onerror=alert(1)><img src=1 onerror=alert(document.cookie)><p>")
sintaxi commented 3 years ago

The CommonMark spec for Markdown has a section for HTML blocks.

An HTML block is a group of lines that is treated as raw HTML (and will not be escaped in HTML output).

Example 140 tests script tags specifically...


<script type="text/javascript">
// JavaScript example

document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Hello JavaScript!";


<script type="text/javascript">
// JavaScript example

document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Hello JavaScript!";

The GitHub Advisory Curation Team has concluded Markdown in Harp is compliant with the specification and should not be considered a security vulnerability. They have redacted the XSS vulnerability report for all versions of Harp.

All other known issues have been resolved and all security advisories for Harp are lifted. Harp now installs without any warnings. Yay! Closing this issue now.

Special thanks to @lirantal, @jdcauley, @misterhtmlcss, and the GitHub Advisory Curation Team for helping us address these concerns and move Harp forward.

lirantal commented 3 years ago

@sintaxi chiming here with an update from the Snyk team, who decided to deem this issue not a vulnerability (updated here: I genuinely appreciate the time, effort, and patience on this, and from a personal side note, thanks for the open conversation with me ❤️ . Even when we were not always seeing eye to eye, you kept the discussion to constructive feedback and positive 🤗

sintaxi commented 3 years ago

Thank you @lirantal. That is a very gracious message (probably more than what is deserved). Thanks keeping things level and productive. 👍