sintaxi / surge

CLI for the CDN
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My directory /scripts isn't being uploaded... returns 404 #269

Closed fivefishstudios closed 7 years ago

fivefishstudios commented 7 years ago

Hi, my /scripts directory is not being uploaded to surge. I even tried adding !scripts in my .surgeignore file but no matter what I do, the /scripts folder isn't being uploaded. Inside the directory are just (2) *.js files. Are .js files not allowed at surge?

fivefishstudios commented 7 years ago

UPDATE: Moved the (2) .js files from /scripts directory and put it in the / root folder. They're now uploaded (saw the # of files increased by 2)... but previewing the site, it seems the .js files are still not being loaded. So I did a View Source on my page and clicked the linked .js file, and it still returns 404 page not found. ---- very frustrating.

fivefishstudios commented 7 years ago

Never mind... I'm an idiot. Codekit renamed my js files to *-min.js