sintaxi / surge

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Unable to enter input for some fields when using Node 8 #272

Closed joshua-tj closed 7 years ago

joshua-tj commented 7 years ago

Using Node 8 (8.1.0), I tried to perform a surge login

I was able to input my email. I was unable to enter any password. ctrl + c did not work either

When I switched back to Node 6 (6.9.1) I was able to enter both email and password

sintaxi commented 7 years ago

A few people have reported this issue but I haven't been able to recreate the problem. What OS are you running?

jiverson commented 7 years ago

Same here and to note I am using nvm as well. OSX 10.12.5 I also use oh-my-zsh.

jesseminn commented 7 years ago

Same here, unable to change the domain name, also unable to enter password when I was trying to login.

sintaxi commented 7 years ago

What OS are you all running?

joshua-tj commented 7 years ago

I'm on Mac OS (10.12.5). Happens on both iterm2 and terminal. Also using nvm

jesseminn commented 7 years ago

I'm using OSX, I could use it yesterday until I upgraded to 10.12.6 beta last night.

joshua-tj commented 7 years ago

This might be a Node.js issue as my friend had trouble publishing to npm registry on password input. (on Node 8.1.0, Mac OS)

joshua-tj commented 7 years ago

Fixed by upgrading to Node 8.1.2

sintaxi commented 7 years ago

@xuey90 thanks for testing and reporting.