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Not ignoring folders that begin with a dot (to use Let's Encrypt) #281

Closed ara303 closed 6 years ago

ara303 commented 7 years ago


I'm trying to use Let's Encrypt on my site with the help of this wonderful resource I found.

One of the last steps is to upload files into a folder on my site, /.well-known/<long string of characters>/. I'm not able to upload the folder because according to #61 Surge ignores files and folders that begin with a dot.

Is it possible for me to make Surge upload the files in my .well-known folder?

If I could also ask, please consider updating Surge so that it makes an exception for the .well-known folder. I am doing this for the same reason I suspect others are: Google have said HTTPS will be a ranking signal, and soon Chrome may display warnings on non-HTTPS sites. At the same time I know Surge has a Plus package that includes SSL so I see how you're in a tight spot, but I think this would be a cool thing to do so that users like me who have time but not money can get HTTPS.

ara303 commented 6 years ago

I was misinformed about how HTTPS works on Surge for custom domain names. This is a dead end. I couldn't get my /.well-known directory uploaded, nor could I use the surge ssl command. The command prompted me for a pem file, but when I used my self-signed certificate, it started trying to sign me up for their paid service. Free HTTPS via Let's Encrypt on Surge does not seem to be possible.

To anyone who find this on Google: I've now discovered Surge tweeted saying they will only support Let's Encrypt on their paid plan.

To the developers: Please reconsider this and let us use Let's Encrypt for free. I know it's part of your business model right now but it feels more and more like websites that don't have HTTPS are being treated as "second-class citizens", so even though my personal and side projects don't actually need HTTPS it'd be really nice to have the option of supporting it through Surge.


franky47 commented 5 years ago

Ended up here from a similar issue: I couldn't upload either /.well-known/security.txt (from or my Keybase proof (/.well-known/keybase.txt)

However, #143 got me sorted.