sintaxi / surge

CLI for the CDN
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No logon or sign up prompt. #335

Closed sarbazx closed 6 years ago

sarbazx commented 6 years ago

Hi, first time using surge when running surge on macos 10.13.4 there no any command prompts. like this: screen shot 2018-06-03 at 22 25 25

sarbazx commented 6 years ago


sintaxi commented 6 years ago

Have you tried with a different terminal theme?

sarbazx commented 6 years ago

@sintaxi yes, same still.

sintaxi commented 6 years ago

ok, thanks for reporting. If you can provide any more information let me know.

dimkir commented 6 years ago

From your screenshot it seems that your cursor is somewhere one-third into line 7. Which makes me believe that you are prompted to input your email address. Albeit the prompt is invisible.

Try typing into the prompt and if you can type, and when you press enter you get to next line then this would confirm the hypothesis.

This should allow to redefine your original problem definition from:

Hi, first time using surge when running surge on macos 10.13.4 there no any command prompts.


when running surge on macos 10.13.4 in a Terminal app XYZ with settings ABC the colored prompt of surge is displayed as invisible.

ANSI code troubleshooting

This all hints at the fact that your terminal in current configuration has troubles displaying some ANSI codes.

If you're looking to debug this issue further, you can try to run surge and redirect output to file. Later use this output to figure out which ANSI code was causing the trouble (as in your case some ANSI codes were fine, because you can see formatted output of "Welcome To Surge").

# run this command, and press Cmd+C after that, later on inspect out.txt file
surge > out.txt 

This is what the expected output should look like: image

And this is how contents of out.txt looks like: image

Your editor view may differ, but you can see in black the escape sequence, followed by ANSI code of a color. Most likely your terminal chokes somewhere around 2nd line: ^[[90m characters. So you may want to manually edit file and remove all 6 of those characters and try to cat the file to the terminal to see if this helps.

# this should print the file with all the colors 
cat out.txt

Hope this helps. ps. My screenshots are from Ubuntu, but the ANSI code principle is the same on Mac.

sarbazx commented 6 years ago

@sintaxi @dimkir Hi, thank for response, I have updated surge then tried again it successfully showed me the prompt.