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File extension redirect ROUTER #343

Closed indrakaw closed 5 years ago

indrakaw commented 5 years ago

Hello there.

I have a problem with many .xhtml files and browser validation, so I renamed them into .html. The problem is there are many .xhtml. Is there a way to redirect all .xhtml files into .html, especially on certain sub-directory?

I had read this:

No solution.

indrakaw commented 5 years ago

Sample ROUTER file

307 /:blogname/about.xhtml /:blogname/about.html
307 /:blogname/guestbook.xhtml /:blogname/guestbook.html

And when it pushed, an error occurs

Error - Deployment did not succeed.
indrakaw commented 5 years ago

Nevermind. I though there is something error on redirection. It's just project's plan. Have to upgrade.

By the way, no prompt upgrade when it publishes, only error message. BUT IN DOC, it's written:

When you publish, you’ll be prompted to upgrade your project right from the CLI.