sintaxi / surge

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Usage of `tarr` instead of `node-tar` #426

Open infoxicator opened 3 years ago

infoxicator commented 3 years ago

The tarr module (with an extra r at the end) copy of the official node-tar package was added in this commit

what is the reason behind using tarr instead of the official tar package?

the name of that package makes it look like typo-squatting and a security threat, additionally I can't find the source code for the tarr package since it points to the github of the original one 👍

Francois-Esquire commented 3 years ago

@sintaxi any idea on this?

sintaxi commented 3 years ago

Good question. I forget the exact reason but I published tarr to freeze the node-tar codebase to resolve a dependency issue. This was some time ago so probably worth revisiting.