sintaxi / surge

CLI for the CDN
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Mis-sending max-age header for HSTS #437

Closed chunkybanana closed 3 years ago

chunkybanana commented 3 years ago

I wasn't sure where to put this, as there's no repo for the surge backend.

I'm not sure when exactly this started, but whenever GETting a resource I get the error Strict-Transport-Security: The site specified a header that included an invalid ‘max-age’ directive. Further investigation reveals that this value is null. Is this important and if so, can it be fixed?

sintaxi commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting. Will fix this right away.

sintaxi commented 3 years ago

The bug was introduced about an hour ago. Just released a patch. Thanks again for reporting this. Very much appreciated.

chunkybanana commented 3 years ago

Thanks! May I ask - what was causing this?

sintaxi commented 3 years ago

We have added a flag for setting Strict-Transport-Security in the upcoming release of surge. You set it by running surge config --hsts 60. The bug was caused by the header being set to null instead of ignoring the property when it isn't present.

chunkybanana commented 3 years ago

Ok, thanks!