sintaxi / surge

CLI for the CDN
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use native fetch, remove request, update minimist #509

Open isaacs opened 10 months ago

isaacs commented 10 months ago

This fixes all of the production audit warnings. There are still some dev dependency advisories, due to the old version of mocha which has old pinned deps.


Note: this is just a first pass to hopefully start a conversation about how to modernize this a bit. I tried to make it as surgical as possible, but a full modernizing workup with ESM and all the bells and whistles would be another option.

Quite a few tests are failing on my system with this change, so it's probably not ready to land as-is. But, many tests are failing on my system without this patch, so it's a bit hard to know what is a new failure.

sintaxi commented 10 months ago

Isaac! 🔥🔥🔥 This is amazing!

I started the undertaking a couple years ago and never got it entirely over the finish line but got very close.

Here is what I did....

The most up to date branch of surge (by far) is list-rollback and it actually has a lot of awesome shit in it. If you want to kick the tires I suggest installing surge@v0.24.0-rc.14 I have cut 15 release candidates from the list-rollback branch with rc.14 being the most stable.

I should probably begin by merginglist-rollback because it is 131 ahead of master. Then we can see what can be done about getting your work merged into surge-stream.

Thanks for the PR. It made my day. Hope you are well!

isaacs commented 10 months ago

Oh, sweet, I didn't realize there's a branch with more work done on it, but that does make sense. I'll try to see if I can port it onto that branch.

I've switched a few libs from request to fetch by this point, so the change was pretty mechanical. I honestly don't know what most of those commands were doing, just swapped the APIs 😅

And yeah, I was surprised to see your name too, didn't realize surge was your thing until I went to send this PR. It's been a minute, hope things are going well in your world ;)

I did end up still using netlify for node-tap's prod website, even though surge deployment is a way simpler, just because I can't be assed to manage TLS certs. Is there any plan to have something like that for