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Post-flight help suggestions #69

Open kennethormandy opened 9 years ago

kennethormandy commented 9 years ago

As suggested by @silentrob, we could have “Message of the day” style general tips for the post-flight. Ideally these would be contextual. If you don’t have a CNAME file, we could suggest it. If you deployed to a subdomain, it give you instructions on adding an A-record. Ex:

Success! Project is published and running at

Did you know? You can save your domain to a `CNAME` file
so you don’t have to type it in next time you deploy:
kennethormandy commented 9 years ago

Another suggestion, telling people to check their email / tell their collaborator they should have an email after adding a collaborator. This threw someone off, they saw they got an email but didn’t know they had to confirm it