sipbs-compbiol / BM327-microbiology

Computing support for BM327 microbiology
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write quiz to assess LOs #5

Open mafeeney opened 2 years ago

mafeeney commented 2 years ago

should be specific questions about the primers; which genomes are path/non-path; and questions testing their understanding of how the methods work

mafeeney commented 2 years ago

consider randomizing the genome selection so that each student gets a different set of genomes to analyse --> and thus, their own specific answers (may be difficult to automate different answers in MyPlace?)

mafeeney commented 2 years ago

Another thought here is whether we want to tie this in with the class assessment (if that's even possible)? This workshop has normally been held after the class assessment due date, which I think has affected student interest/participation. Could potentially talk to C. Prior about scheduling it earlier in the semester?

widdowquinn commented 2 years ago

Another question idea: why were their primer design parameter choices made (e.g. temperature range; repeats; GC content; length; etc.); what might have happened if other choices were made?