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Add publications? #1

Closed HobnobMancer closed 1 year ago

HobnobMancer commented 2 years ago


Is it worth adding publications to the website? Either as a dedicated page and/or to individuals' bio pages?


At present, prospective students, collaborators and future employers have to search the SIPBS webpage for our bios and the Strathclyde website for our publications. Including publications and awards on our bios or as a single page for the entire group could help highlight the group's achievements.


This information is already available via Strathclyde pure, and would require maintenance/updating.

Possibly students could list their publications on their bio pages as they will (likely) have fewer publications to list.

Alternatively, the main page could have a 'Research Output' or 'Publications' button that links directly too @widdowquinn 's Pure portal research output page?

widdowquinn commented 2 years ago

I'm happy for group members to add any publications they like to their bios.

I think it might be worth having the most recent/significant publications on the front page[1]. But beyond that - as you note - the information is collated completely and automagically elsewhere (e.g. ORCID, Pure, ResearcherID, Google Scholar) and we'd have to manage it manually. I don't really want to do that. For my own bio, I link to these resources.

What do you think - five or so most recent/significant publications? After What We Do and before Key Collaborators?

[1] I think that maintaining a file to <include/>, rather than editing the main page manually, is the better way to go about this.

HobnobMancer commented 2 years ago

I think that sounds like a really good idea, it would help show off the groups work with minimal effort required for maintenance our end.

I don't currently know how to set that up. Is it included in the documentation? Or do you want to set up it?

widdowquinn commented 2 years ago

Including other .html files is a very general thing, e.g. but Jekyll has its own way of doing it:

We'd have something like a current_publications.html file (or .md? I don't know if that would work…) in the _includes folder at the site root, and then have:

{% include current_publications.html %} on the main page.

in the appropriate location.

HobnobMancer commented 2 years ago

Looking at the Jekyll repo, I think we can include .md files by using the include_remote plugins, but it may not render the way we expect, someone recently raised an issue saying .md files do not render in HTML when included.

Do you want the publications stored in a table, e.g.: Date Journal Publication DOI
2022 Fontiers in Microbiology Pritchard, L., ... (2022) 'Title', Journal, ....

Or a list (with or without bullet points), e.g.:

Hobbs, Emma E. M.; Pritchard, Leighton; Chapman, Sean; Gloster, Tracey M. (2021): cazy_webscraper: For creating a local CAZyme database. figshare. Poster.

Hobbs, Emma E. M.; Gloster, Tracey M.; Chapman, Sean; Pritchard, Leighton (2021): Comprehensive evaluation of CAZyme prediction tools in fungal and bacterial species. figshare. Poster.

widdowquinn commented 2 years ago

I would have expected the .md files not to be parsed into HTML, so the reported behaviour in seems right.

I think a list with DOI link is the better option - easier to cut and paste. Not using <UL>/bullet points might be neater - but try it both ways and see what you think.