sipcapture / captagent

100% Open-Source Packet Capture Agent for HEP
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Memory usage growing continuously #9

Closed cgarciaarano closed 8 years ago

cgarciaarano commented 9 years ago


we've deployed the last version (commit 9f4b04fe9ad1b6a0b158c55fbc2bdda39161d301) and after some days working, our monitoring system shows a continuous growth of memory usage by the captagent process.

We're running Ubuntu 12.04, compiled it with gcc, as this guide explains.

Here's the trend of memory usage (in green), showing a sustained growth...(The first valleys are restarts) screenshot_2

We will mantain the process alive for some days, to ensure that this behavior persists.


adubovikov commented 9 years ago

Hi, thank you for your report. Can you please also share the captagent's config ?

Wbr, Alexandr

cgarciaarano commented 9 years ago


it's pretty much a default config, we've just changed a few things.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<document type="captagent/xml">

        <configuration name="core.conf" description="CORE Settings">
            <param name="debug" value="3"/>
            <param name="daemon" value="true"/>
            <param name="syslog" value="true"/>
            <param name="pid_file" value="/var/run/"/>
            <param name="path" value="/usr/local/lib/captagent/modules"/>

        <configuration name="modules.conf" description="Modules">
                <load module="core_hep"/>
                <load module="proto_uni"/>
                <load module="proto_rtcp"/>
                <load module="capt_cli"/>

        <!-- CORE MODULES -->

        <configuration name="core_hep.conf" description="HEP Socket">
            <param name="version" value="3"/>
            <param name="capture-host" value="HOSTNAME"/>
            <param name="capture-port" value="9060"/>
            <param name="capture-proto" value="udp"/>
            <param name="capture-id" value="4004"/>
            <param name="capture-password" value="myHep"/>
            <param name="payload-compression" value="false" />

        <!-- PROTOCOLS -->

        <configuration name="proto_uni.conf" description="UNI Proto Basic capture">
            <param name="port" value="5060"/>
            <!-- <param name="portrange" value="5060-5090"/> -->
                use -D flag for pcap import
                use "any" for all interfaces in your system
            <param name="dev"  value="any"/>
            <param name="promisc" value="true"/>
                comment it if you want to see all IPProto (tcp/udp)
            <!-- enable this if you want to get RTCP stats -->
            <param name="sip-parse"  value="true"/>
            <param name="rtcp-tracking"  value="true"/>
            <param name="ip-proto" value="udp"/>
            <param name="proto-type"  value="sip"/>
            <param name="filter" value="and not host HOSTNAME"/>
                <param name="expire-timer" value ="120"/>
                <param name="expire-rtcp" value ="120"/>

        <configuration name="proto_rtcp.conf" description="RTCP capture">
                <!-- <param name="portrange" value="5060-5090"/> -->
                <param name="dev"  value="any"/>
                <param name="promisc" value="true"/>
                <param name="debug" value ="false"/>
                <!-- <param name="filter" value="and not host HOSTNAME"/> -->
                <!-- <param name="rtcp-json" value="false"/> -->
                <!-- <param name="send-sdes" value="false"/> -->
                <!-- <param name="filter" value="and not src port 5099"/> -->
                <!-- <param name="vlan" value="false"/> -->

        <!-- CLI  -->

        <configuration name="capt_cli.conf" description="CLI socket">
            <param name="cli-host" value="localhost"/>
            <param name="cli-port" value="8909"/>
            <param name="cli-password" value="12345"/>

I have to say that this is our first captagent installation, so maybe it's not a version related issue.

Also, we're monitoring the packets per seconds connecting to the CLI each minute, via netcat. Maybe this could lead to any kind of memory leak.

If you need something more, let me know.


adubovikov commented 9 years ago

Can you please temporally disable rtcp tracking and check it again ?

cgarciaarano commented 9 years ago

Done, i'll keep you posted


2015-05-08 7:21 GMT+02:00 Alexandr Dubovikov

Can you please temporally disable rtcp tracking and check it again ?

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adubovikov commented 9 years ago


are you talking about SIP or RTCP packets ?

On 2015-05-08 10:10, cgarciaarano wrote:


after commenting out rtcp configuration we're not getting packages from that probe in our homer server. Maybe I messed up configuration:

     <!-- CLI  -->

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cgarciaarano commented 9 years ago

Hi Alexandr,

after one day running without the RTPC module, the behaviour looks the same, growing continuously. Even it shows the same pace, taking 1,8% of memory per day. The host has 1 GB RAM, so it's not really a problem, but we don't like to setup a cronjob to restart the process periodically.



adubovikov commented 9 years ago

ok, now please disable SIP-parsing (set to false).

thank you!

cgarciaarano commented 9 years ago

Hi Alexendr,

it's still growing, but at slower pace. Find attached a period of 1 day and 19 hours, when it just grew 0,3%. (blue line is absent, as there are no packets being processed)


The only modules loaded are:


cgarciaarano commented 9 years ago

More on this issue.

We've seen that the memory consumption is growing at the same pace in processes that sniff SIP traffic with different usage patterns.

So it looks like the "alleged" memory leak has nothing to do with sniffing. ¿There are any periodic task running? ¿Reconnections or something similar?


adubovikov commented 9 years ago

there should not be any additional threads if you set sip-parse and rtcp-tracking to false.

AlessioCasco commented 8 years ago


I'm experiencing the same issue with latest revision of captagent 6 (cloned 5 days ago), where there is a continuous growth of memory usage as reported by @cgarciaarano.

I tried disabling all the modules I can without any luck:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document type="captagent/xml">
    <configuration name="core.conf" description="CORE Settings" serial="2014024212">
        <param name="debug" value="3"/>
        <param name="version" value="2"/>
        <param name="serial" value="2014056501"/>
        <param name="uuid" value="00781a4a-5b69-11e4-9522-bb79a8fcf0f3"/>
        <param name="daemon" value="true"/>
        <param name="syslog" value="true"/>
        <param name="pid_file" value="/var/run/"/>
        <param name="module_path" value="/usr/lib64/captagent/modules"/>
        <param name="config_path" value="/etc/captagent"/>
        <param name="capture_plans_path" value="/etc/captagent/captureplans"/>
        <param name="backup" value="/etc/captagent/backup"/>
        <param name="chroot" value="/var/lib/captagent"/>
    <configuration name="modules.conf" description="Modules">
        <load module="transport_hep" register="local"/>
        <load module="database_hash" register="local"/>
        <load module="protocol_sip" register="local"/>
        <load module="socket_pcap" register="local"/>
        ***We don't use these modules***
        <load module="socket_raw" register="local"/>
        <load module="transport_json" register="local"/>
        <load module="protocol_rtcp" register="local"/>
        <load module="interface_http" register="local"/>
        <load module="database_redis" register="local"/>
        <load module="socket_pfring" register="local"/>

I'm using Debian GNU/Linux 7 and 8

Looks like that more traffic captagent is parsing, faster the memory is growing

Thanks Alessio

apogrebennyk commented 8 years ago

I noticed the same issue as Alessio, will try disabling the modules at next occasion. Right now I have reverted to 4.2.0.

lmangani commented 8 years ago

We are investigating, thanks for the reports guys, updates will follow

AlessioCasco commented 8 years ago

Hello Guys! Any news on this?

Thanks Alessio

adubovikov commented 8 years ago

Hello Alessio,

yes, we will release the new version on this weekend.

Wbr, Alexandr

On 17 February 2016 at 12:46, Alessio Casco wrote:

Hello Guys! Any news on this?

Thanks Alessio

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AlessioCasco commented 8 years ago

Hello Guys! Just a confirmation, has the new version been released?


AlessioCasco commented 8 years ago

Hello Guys!

FYI I'm testing version 6.1.0, will let you know the results in a couple of days


adubovikov commented 8 years ago

Thank you Alessio

AlessioCasco commented 8 years ago

Hello Guys!

Good news, after almost two weeks, version 6.1.0 is behaving great!

10249   root      20   0  115.1m  14.6m  14.3m S   3.6  0.2  39:54.06 captagent

I'm using a very simple conf (same as the previous one) and so far so good.

Let me know if you need more stuff/info from me

Thanks again for the fix Alessio

lmangani commented 8 years ago

Thanks @AlessioCasco for testing and taking time to update us back!

adubovikov commented 8 years ago

Thank you Alessio, can you please also activate protocol_rtcp and check how is going ?

I will move 6.1 to master repository.

AlessioCasco commented 8 years ago

Actually has been already activated since day one:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document type="captagent_module/xml">
    <module name="protocol_rtcp" description="RTCP Protocol" serial="blablabla">
    <profile name="proto_rtcp" description="PROTO RTCP" enable="true" serial="blablabla">
        <param name="rtcp-version" value="2"/>
capture[pcap] {

    # here we can check source/destination IP/port, message size
    if(msg_check("size", "100")) {

        if(is_rtcp()) {

            if(is_rtcp_exist()) {

                #Convert to JSON if needed.
                if(parse_rtcp_to_json()) {

                    #Can be defined many profiles in transport_hep.xml
                    if(!send_hep("hepsocket")) {
                        clog("ERROR", "Error sending HEP!!!!");

                } else {
                    clog("ERROR", "couldn't parse RTCP to json");

            } else {
                clog("ERROR", "Couldnot find this call");
        } else {
            clog("ERROR", "This is not RTCP");
adubovikov commented 8 years ago

this is very good, but the problem is that you didn't load protocol_rtcp in the captagent.xml

second, please change if(msg_check("size", "100")) to if(msg_check("size", "30"))

AlessioCasco commented 8 years ago

The module is loaded, will change the size to 30 and let you know

    <configuration name="modules.conf" description="Modules">
            <load module="transport_hep" register="local"/>
            <load module="protocol_sip" register="local"/>
            <load module="protocol_rtcp" register="local"/>
            <load module="socket_rtcpxr" register="local"/>
            <load module="socket_pcap" register="local"/>
            <load module="socket_raw" register="local"/>
            ***We don't use these modules***
            <load module="database_hash" register="local"/>
            <load module="transport_json" register="local"/>
            <load module="protocol_rtcp" register="local"/>
            <load module="interface_http" register="local"/>
            <load module="database_redis" register="local"/>
            <load module="socket_pfring" register="local"/>
adubovikov commented 8 years ago

Ok, thank you! My comment was to your previous loaded config file without protocol_rtcp module.

AlessioCasco commented 8 years ago

Hello guys,

I believe we can close this issue, captagent has been running since last comment and the memory still looks ok.

11111 root      20   0  115.1m  14.1m  13.8m S   0.0  0.2  78:21.28 captagent

Can we consider closing this as dangerous demo from the #KamailioWorld :-)

adubovikov commented 8 years ago

Thank you Alessio!