In writing an application to parse an incoming HEP stream, we discovered that changes were needed to the java reference implementation to make it usable as a library. Basic idea was to be able to import the library as a jar, instantiate the parser class, and be able to parse out the HEPStructure. Wanted to see if there is any interest in merging the changes in.
Here is an example of using the library in an application after the changes:
import org.homer.hep.ParserHEPv3;
import org.homer.hep.HEPStructure;
void consume(Socket socket) {
// hep input stream
InputStream in = socket.getInputStream();
// get header bytes
byte[] header = new byte[4];
byte[] expectedHeader = {0x48, 0x45, 0x50, 0x33};;
// check if header spells "HEP3"
if (Arrays.equals(header, expectedHeader)){
// get the total length bytes
byte[] lenBytes = new byte[2];;
int len = ((lenBytes[0]<<8)+ lenBytes[1]);
// get payload bytes
byte[] bytes = new byte[len];;
// parse out HEP structure
ParserHEPv3 parser = new ParserHEPv3();
HEPStructure hepStructure = parser.parse(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes), len, socket.getInetAddress().toString());
// this prints out the HEP structure string representation
System.out.println("HEP Structure: " + hepStructure);
// grab payload from HEP structure
String payload = new String(hepStructure.payloadByteMessage.array());
//... do stuff with payload
In writing an application to parse an incoming HEP stream, we discovered that changes were needed to the java reference implementation to make it usable as a library. Basic idea was to be able to import the library as a jar, instantiate the parser class, and be able to parse out the HEPStructure. Wanted to see if there is any interest in merging the changes in.
Here is an example of using the library in an application after the changes: