sipcapture / homer-app

HOMER 7.x Front-End and API Server
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
204 stars 79 forks source link

Ldap config being ignore and internal auth being used instead #451

Closed nakchak closed 2 years ago

nakchak commented 2 years ago

Just updated to latest docker release of homer-webapp and now LDAP auth no longer works, it appears to be attempting to look for users using internal auth, as there is no evidence of the web app attempting to contact the ldap server in a network capture which would have contained multiple login attempts.

Neither setting values in environment variables or config file has any effect for me.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Your report is appreciated. Please star this repository to motivate its developers! :star:

adubovikov commented 2 years ago

let us check it asap

adubovikov commented 2 years ago

@nakchak can you please pull new image and retest again ? also, please join our channel: we will help you there in RT

nakchak commented 2 years ago

Hi, i have pulled the latest images and still the same result

Shall dig in a bit deeper and see if i can capture any evidence of LDAP lookups being attempted..

adubovikov commented 2 years ago

yes, please do and inform us once you will get any input

nakchak commented 2 years ago

@adubovikov I can confirm that im seeing no traffic what so ever coming from homer to the domain controller i am using, and their is nothing in the application logs (trace level set in config) relating to the login other than a query to the users db table. The ldap config im using is the same as the one i posted here:

I have tried it with both LDAP and LDAPS ports and suitable ssl/tls/verify settings. I havnt retried it using ENV VARS to define the config values, but looking at the source if the config file isnt working, then ENV VARS shouldnt either...

Is their a way to dump the running config values for homer-webapp? if not it might be handy to add a --info switch to its CLI

adubovikov commented 2 years ago

@nakchak let me add this --info to troubleshoot

adubovikov commented 2 years ago

something like this ?

./homer-app -show-current-config


(config.HomerSettingServer) {
 MAIN_SETTINGS: (struct { IsolateQuery string "default:\"\""; IsolateGroup string "default:\"\""; UseCaptureIDInAlias bool "default:\"false\""; DefaultAuth string "default:\"internal\""; OAuth2Config oauth2.Config; GlobalToken *oauth2.Token; UserGroups []string "default:\"[admin,user,support]\"" }) {
  IsolateQuery: (string) "",
  IsolateGroup: (string) "",
  UseCaptureIDInAlias: (bool) true,
  DefaultAuth: (string) (len=8) "internal",
  OAuth2Config: (oauth2.Config) {
   ClientID: (string) (len=71) "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
   ClientSecret: (string) (len=35) "XXXXXXXXXXXXX",
   Endpoint: (oauth2.Endpoint) {
    AuthURL: (string) (len=41) "",
    TokenURL: (string) (len=35) "",
    AuthStyle: (oauth2.AuthStyle) 0
   RedirectURL: (string) (len=52) "",
   Scopes: ([]string) (len=3 cap=3) {
    (string) (len=5) "email",
    (string) (len=6) "openid",
    (string) (len=7) "profile"
  GlobalToken: (*oauth2.Token)(<nil>),
  UserGroups: ([]string) (len=3 cap=3) {
   (string) (len=5) "admin",
   (string) (len=4) "user",
   (string) (len=7) "support"
 GRAFANA_SETTINGS: (struct { URL string "default:\"http://grafana/\""; AuthKey string "default:\"\""; User string "default:\"\""; Password string "default:\"\""; Path string "default:\"/grafana\""; Enable bool "default:\"false\"" }) {
  URL: (string) (len=15) "http://grafana/",
  AuthKey: (string) "",
  User: (string) "",
  Password: (string) "",
  Path: (string) (len=8) "/grafana",
  Enable: (bool) false
 TRANSACTION_SETTINGS: (struct { DedupModel string "default:\"message-ip-pair\""; GlobalDeduplicate bool "default:\"false\"" }) {
  DedupModel: (string) (len=15) "message-ip-pair",
  GlobalDeduplicate: (bool) false
 DASHBOARD_SETTINGS: (struct { ExternalHomeDashboard string "default:\"\"" }) {
  ExternalHomeDashboard: (string) ""

 LOG_SETTINGS: (struct { Enable bool "default:\"true\""; MaxAgeDays uint32 "default:\"7\""; RotationHours uint32 "default:\"24\""; Path string "default:\"/usr/local/homer/log\""; Level string "default:\"error\""; Name string "default:\"homer-app.log\""; Stdout bool "default:\"false\""; Json bool "default:\"true\""; SysLogLevel string "default:\"LOG_INFO\""; SysLog bool "default:\"false\""; SyslogUri string "default:\"\"" }) {
  Enable: (bool) true,
  MaxAgeDays: (uint32) 7,
  RotationHours: (uint32) 24,
  Path: (string) (len=20) "/usr/local/homer/log",
  Level: (string) (len=5) "debug",
  Name: (string) (len=13) "homer-app.log",
  Stdout: (bool) false,
  Json: (bool) true,
  SysLogLevel: (string) (len=8) "LOG_INFO",
  SysLog: (bool) false,
  SyslogUri: (string) ""
 SWAGGER: (struct { Enable bool "default:\"true\""; ApiJson string "default:\"/usr/local/homer/etc/swagger.json\""; ApiHost string "default:\"\"" }) {
  Enable: (bool) true,
  ApiJson: (string) (len=33) "/usr/local/homer/etc/swagger.json",
  ApiHost: (string) (len=14) ""
 DECODER_SHARK: (struct { Bin string "default:\"/usr/local/bin/tshark\""; Param string "default:\"\""; Protocols []string "default:\"\""; UID uint32 "default:\"0\""; GID uint32 "default:\"0\""; ImportNode string "default:\"\""; Enable bool "default:\"false\"" }) {
  Bin: (string) (len=21) "/usr/local/bin/tshark",
  Param: (string) "",
  Protocols: ([]string) <nil>,
  UID: (uint32) 0,
  GID: (uint32) 0,
  ImportNode: (string) "",
  Enable: (bool) false


(ldap.LDAPClient) {
 Attributes: ([]string) <nil>,
 Base: (string) "",
 BindDN: (string) "",
 BindPassword: (string) "",
 GroupFilter: (string) "",
 GroupAttribute: ([]string) <nil>,
 Host: (string) "",
 ServerName: (string) "",
 UserFilter: (string) "",
 Conn: (*ldap.Conn)(<nil>),
 Port: (int) 0,
 InsecureSkipVerify: (bool) false,
 ShortGroup: (bool) false,
 ShortDNForGroup: (bool) false,
 NestedGroup: (bool) false,
 UseSSL: (bool) false,
 Anonymous: (bool) false,
 UserDN: (string) "",
 SkipTLS: (bool) false,
 AdminGroup: (string) "",
 AdminMode: (bool) false,
 UserGroup: (string) "",
 UserMode: (bool) false,
 UseDNForGroupSearch: (bool) false,
 DerefName: (string) "",
 DerefValue: (int) 0,
 SearchLimit: (int) 0,
 GroupLimit: (int) 0,
 TimeLimit: (int) 0,
 ScopeName: (string) "",
 ScopeValue: (int) 0,
 ClientCertificates: ([]tls.Certificate) <nil>
gedia commented 2 years ago

I'm also having the same trouble. Capturing on ldap proxy shows no traffic from homer-app host. This concerns latest version 1.4.22

It seemed to be working fine up to 1.4.18, haven't tested the versions in between.

I guess the 1.4.22 version's binary doesn't support the '-show-current-config' flag?

adubovikov commented 2 years ago

weird, let me release a new package and you guys can retest. Sorry about it.

gedia commented 2 years ago

Hmm, I just noticed some LDAP traffic flowing over, but not when I try to login (which fails)... Do you do any sssd-style caching/enumeration from LDAP, or should there be a request at every auth attempt?

adubovikov commented 2 years ago

so, I found the issue - sorry about it. The new version is coming. 1.4.33 It has also Oauth2 support. Just FYI!

gedia commented 2 years ago

Thanks! Just to clarify on the new ldap settings, do the groups defined in auth_settings.user_groups need to be the same as the ldap_config.admingroup and ldap_config.usergroup values? Or is auth_settings.user_groups ignored when auth_settings.type == "ldap"?

gedia commented 2 years ago

I can confirm ldap login now works with 1.4.23

adubovikov commented 2 years ago

@nakchak can you please confirm it ?

lmangani commented 2 years ago

Thanks @adubovikov 🥇

adubovikov commented 2 years ago

@nakchak I will close the ticket, please reopen if it will be needed

nakchak commented 2 years ago

Apologies for late reply, I've been on paternity leave and not monitoring email.

I have pulled the latest changes and can now see ldap traffic and the running config (Thanks so much for adding that, it really helps :-) ), had to add group attributes to my running config but other than that it works perfectly again

adubovikov commented 2 years ago

thank you for the bug report!