sipcapture / homer-ui

HOMER Front-End Application (UI)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
64 stars 62 forks source link

Protocol Filters #630

Closed jagnetta closed 6 months ago

jagnetta commented 6 months ago

Good morning,

I hope this finds you all well. I'm wondering about: and where it looks like there maybe an attempt to add settings to control which types of messages appear in the ladder diagrams by default? I'm hoping we can have a uniform set of options that can then be changed later on. For example, we are sending xlog to homer from opensips, but we'd like the logs to not be shown in the ladder diagram by default. Instead, default show SIP and RTCP, then allow the display of logging if desired through the filter.

Related: What's the difference between "LOG" and "HEP-LOG" that we're getting for each log message opensips sends?

Thanks, Jim Agnetta

lmangani commented 6 months ago

In general HOMER will grab and display anything that correlation logic returns. For each session returned by the primary correlation loop (CallID, Correlation_ID, X-Headers, etc) it'll lookup corresponding RTCP (5) and LOG (100) HEP types and display them in the flow. The type filtering is local and only affect the individual browser session/client.

jagnetta commented 6 months ago

Understood. Thanks Lorenzo!