sipcapture / homer5-docker

HOMER 5 Docker Containers (OBSOLETE)
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grafana returns empty results for sip related metrics #95

Closed Mihai-CMM closed 4 years ago

Mihai-CMM commented 4 years ago

Hello, I am using prom-all 7.7 version. Looking at grafana query:

(rate(heplify_method_response{method="INVITE", response=~"50.*"}[10m]))

Looking at exposed metric:

curl localhost:9096/metrics | grep heplify

heplify_packets_size{node_id="-sl",type="sip"} 546 heplify_packets_size{node_id="asterisk1-test",type="sip"} 546

heplify_packets_total{node_id="-sl",type="sip"} 42 heplify_packets_total{node_id="asterisk1-test",type="sip"} 42

there is no heplify_method_response in promethreus or exposed by heplify-server

docker images | grep heplify sipcapture/heplify-server master 05af98764549 10 days ago 22.1MB

docker image inspect 05af98764549 [ { "Id": "sha256:05af9876454929f0a0df381bb592ac809915555fbbc01a3816e0c877b6614d34", "RepoTags": [ "sipcapture/heplify-server:master" ], "RepoDigests": [ "sipcapture/heplify-server@sha256:e0a5dcaad1ebc737d7ff620632a07ca20840e7c78264a56c0fb6b5678775fc2d"

Mihai-CMM commented 4 years ago

Hi guys, any development here?

adubovikov commented 4 years ago

did you upgrade the docker-container to the latest one ?

Mihai-CMM commented 4 years ago

Thank you for reply,

Yes still not all the methods are exposed


In grafana this is te query (rate(heplify_method_response{method="INVITE", response=~"50.*"}[10m]))

Docker images

> [root@homer-prod prometheus]# docker images
> REPOSITORY                  TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
> grafana/grafana             master              957fddf83da4        31 minutes ago      235MB
> grafana/loki                master              9026a538507f        15 hours ago        47.5MB
> sipcapture/webapp           latest              c9f78e3be0f2        20 hours ago        32.8MB
> sipcapture/heplify-server   master              83e5530f95ad        13 days ago         22.2MB
> postgres                    11-alpine           89ae06c2ad76        2 weeks ago         152MB
> prom/prometheus             latest              b715301fa5eb        5 weeks ago         133MB
> prom/alertmanager           latest              0881eb8f169f        2 months ago        52.1MB
> prom/node-exporter          latest              e5a616e4b9cf        8 months ago        22.9MB
> stefanprodan/caddy          latest              655880563633        2 years ago         24.7MB
adubovikov commented 4 years ago

Mihai-CMM commented 4 years ago

Sorry @adubovikov I don't understand the comment, what should I do?

adubovikov commented 4 years ago

please install homer7-docker, not homer-docker

Mihai-CMM commented 4 years ago

Hmm, please excuse my noobness, is not what I am doying?

[root@homer-prod heplify-server]# git status On branch 7.7 Your branch is up to date with 'origin/7.7'.

Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory)

* 7.7 8c69dcd Merge branch '7.7' of into 7.7 master c9594d3 [behind 22] Merge branch 'master' of

lmangani commented 4 years ago

@Mihai-CMM you opened the issue on the wrong repository :) that's all he said

Mihai-CMM commented 4 years ago

Stupid me :) ... got it, You want me to move it there? Thanks guys

Mihai-CMM commented 4 years ago

Anyway I've looked at your yesterday commit @lmangani and it seems it fixed the issue. Commenting # "HEPLIFYSERVER_PROMTARGETIP=" \# "HEPLIFYSERVER_PROMTARGETNAME=local" Did the trick
