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Chromium fails to start with warnings about EGL being missing. #23

Open twenex78 opened 5 months ago

twenex78 commented 5 months ago

Chromium browser fails to start, warning about missing EGL files, and reporting "7779 illegal hardware instruction". Attached is the error log. chromium-error.log

The system is up-to-date as of 19:41 GMT on 02/02/2024, but this issue has persisted since at least 24/01/2024, when I got the board, through the initial software on the board at that time and through several system updates.

Icenowy commented 5 months ago

This should be related to Chrome Sandbox assuming Vector 1.0's existence.

twenex78 commented 5 months ago

Isn't the processor an RV64GVC, so vector processing should be present?

Or do you mean something else?

cwt commented 5 months ago

@twenex78 the V on this CPU (TH1520) is TheadVector which is a superset of RVV 0.7.1 but not compatible with RVV 1.0.