sipeed / MaixPy-v1

MicroPython for K210 RISC-V, let's play with edge AI easier
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"ImportError: cannot import name SpeechRecognizer" with custom built firmware with Speech Recognizer enabled #368

Closed myuunosuke closed 3 years ago

myuunosuke commented 3 years ago

I have built the custom firmware with speech recognizer enabled (everything else is left as default), and was be able to load the firmware with kflash-gui.

With the "help('modules')" command, I can see the speech_recognizer in the modules list.

However, when I try to run the sample,

or simply type in the import command on the monitor terminal, I get import error...

"ImportError: cannot import name SpeechRecognizer"

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

Thank you,

help('modules') KPU gc pye_mp uhashlib Maix hashlib random uheapq main heapq re uio _boot image sensor ujson _thread json socket ulab _webrepl lcd speech_recognizer uos array machine struct urandom audio math sys ure binascii math time usocket board micropython touchscreen ustruct builtins modules ubinascii utime cmath modules ucollections utimeq collections nes ucryptolib uzlib errno network uctypes video fpioa_manager os uerrno zlib Plus any modules on the filesystem from modules import SpeechRecognizer Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ImportError: cannot import name SpeechRecognizer import _thread

junhuanchen commented 3 years ago


myuunosuke commented 3 years ago

Ooops! I missed that comment...

Just to be clear for the people might encounter the same problem. "" is no longer supported with newer firmware.

Please take a look at "" instead.

deby13 commented 3 years ago

I might be doing something very wrong, because this doesn't work either. It says isolated_word doesnt have atribute Speek

deby13 commented 3 years ago

I figured that out. It was a typo, just changed speek fot speak. that worked. thanks

NameStream commented 10 months ago


ImportError: cannot import name MIC_ARRAY

MAix Amigo

(1.) Hi, there.

(2.) Using MAixPy IDE, receiving error code for MAix Amigo:

ImportError: cannot import name MIC_ARRAY

(3.) MAix AMIGO

(3a.) SP-MOD MicArray Module

(3b.) Connector: 10P 0.5mm FPC

(3c.) Sipeed MAix R6 + 1 Microphone Array Board

(3d.) Located inside the back of the developer board #2970, moved the switch to M1N instead of STM.

(3e.) MAixPy IDE: Tools > Select Board > Sipeed Maixduino

(3f.) Will only run the code for “”, although the LCD image orientation is misaligned, upside down; the picture is smaller than the LCD screen; but image has mostly clear resolution without any noticeable lag, latency, delay.

(3g.) Receiving “ImportError: cannot import name MIC_ARRAY” when attempting to run the code for:

ROUTINE Sound Source Localization


AirPocket Soundman’s Sound Localizer

(3h.) Pin assignments used for MAix AMIGO



DAT 0…………….......……12

DAT 1……………..…..…….…9

DAT 2………………..…...……31

DAT 3………….……..……...7



(4.) Would you list the correct pin assignments for the:

(4a.) MAix Amigo #2970 in the M1n position

(4b.) MAix Amigo #2970 in the STM position

(5.) Thanks.

(6.) Toodles!