sipeed / MaixPy

Easily create AI projects with Python on edge device
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program exit failed. exit code: 1. while running custom model yolov5s after run about a minute #13

Closed JimlyAdam closed 2 months ago

JimlyAdam commented 3 months ago

-- [I] one byte time: 95 -- [I] one byte time: 95 -- [I] one byte time: 95 -- [I] one byte time: 95 -- [I] one byte time: 95 -- [I] one byte time: 95 -- [I] one byte time: 95 -- [I] one byte time: 95

Module: [MIPI_RX], Build Time[#2 PREEMPT Mon Jun 3 14:54:37 HKT 2024]

------------Combo DEV ATTR-------------- Devno WorkMode DataType WDRMode LinkId PN Swap SyncMode DataEndian SyncCodeEndian 0 MIPI RAW10 NONE 4, 3, 2,-1,-1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 N/A N/A N/A

------------MIPI info------------------- Devno EccErr CrcErr HdrErr WcErr fifofull decode 0 1 1 0 0 0 raw10 Physical: D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 0 0 0 0 0 0 Digital: D0 D1 D2 D3 CK_HS CK_ULPS CK_STOP CK_ERR Deskew hs_idle hs_idle hs_idle hs_idle 1 0 0 0 idle Traceback (most recent call last): File "/tmp/maixpy_run/", line 102, in objs = detector.detect(img, conf_th = 0.5, iou_th = 0.45) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TypeError: detect(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:

  1. (self: maix._maix.nn.YOLOv5, img: maix._maix.image.Image, conf_th: float = 0.5, iou_th: float = 0.45, fit: maix._maix.image.Fit = <Fit.FIT_CONTAIN: 1>) -> List[maix::nn::Object]

Invoked with: <maix._maix.nn.YOLOv5 object at 0x3fd8280070>, None; kwargs: conf_th=0.5, iou_th=0.45 maix multi-media driver destroyed. ISP Vipipe(0) Free pa(0x8dff7000) va(0x0x3fd503d000) [VI BE_Dbg_Info] VIPreBEDoneSts :0x0 VIPreBEDmaIdleStatus :0x7 [VI Post_Dbg_Info] VIIspTopStatus :0x3ff [VI DMA_Dbg_Info] VIWdma0ErrStatus :0x3000000 VIWdma0IdleStatus :0xffffffff VIWdma1ErrStatus :0x3000000 VIWdma1IdleStatus :0xffffffff VIRdmaErrStatus :0x3000000 VIRdmaIdleStatus :0xffffffff [VI ISP_PIPE_A FE_Dbg_Info] VIPreFERawDbgSts :0x3ff VIPreFEDbgInfo :0x3f [VI ISP_PIPE_A] VIOutImgWidth :2560 VIOutImgHeight :1440 VIInImgWidth :2560 VIInImgHeight :1440 VIDevFPS : 13 VIFPS : 0 VISofCh0Cnt :1364 VIPreFECh0Cnt :1335 VIPreBECh0Cnt :1335 VIPostCnt :1335 VIDropCnt : 0 VIDumpCnt : 0 [VI ISP_PIPE_A Csi_Dbg_Info] VICsiIntStatus0 :0x3 VICsiIntStatus1 :0x0 VICsiCh0Dbg :0x0 VICsiCh1Dbg :0x0 VICsiOverFlowCnt : 0 VICsiCh0WidthGTCnt : 0 VICsiCh0WidthLSCnt : 0 VICsiCh0HeightGTCnt : 0 VICsiCh0HeightLSCnt : 22

program exit failed. exit code: 1.

lxowalle commented 2 months ago

When reading the camera image determine that is not None before processing. By the way can you post your test code, we didn't notice that returns None after running for a while, I'm going to try to reproduce it to see

Neutree commented 2 months ago

v4.3.0 resolved this issue