sipeed / bl602-pac

Embedded Rust's Peripheral Access Crate for BL602 microcontrollers
MIT License
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Split UART into UART0 + UART1 #15

Closed jspngh closed 1 year ago

jspngh commented 1 year ago

I've dusted off my bl602 and am planning to do a project with it. The main change in this PR is making both UART peripherals available, but it also updates the dependencies and rebuilds the code with the latest svd2rust.

This will also force some updates to the HAL. I'll create a PR if this gets approved.

9names commented 1 year ago

Hi! Usually it's best to split these things into separate PRs, so that issues with one PR don't impact the other. Would you mind updating CI to use a newer version of the compiler as required by the newer svd2rust?

9names commented 1 year ago

MSRV on riscv/riscv-rt is Rust 1.59, this seems like a good version to bump our Minimum Supported Rust Version to.

jspngh commented 1 year ago

Alright, will do. I'll create a new PR to:

And then I'll change this PR to only include the UART change.

jspngh commented 1 year ago

I'll rebase this once the other PR is merged + do add a commit that regenerates the rust code to reflect the UART updates.

jspngh commented 1 year ago

This should be good to merge now.