sipeed / bl602-pac

Embedded Rust's Peripheral Access Crate for BL602 microcontrollers
MIT License
19 stars 9 forks source link

[IMPORTANT] Project migration request #20

Open luojia65 opened 1 year ago

luojia65 commented 1 year ago

Hello, bl602-pac contributors:

Bouffalo Lab (bl602 chip vendor) wants to provide an official Rust PAC support project bl-pac to include PAC projects for all BL chips. Since there are bl602-pac project, I (as maintainer of new bl-pac) request to the community migrate sipeed/bl602-pac into the new bl-pac repository, and add @9names as project maintainer of bl-pac. Bouffalo Lab ( as new repository owner will welcome community contribution and keep MIT + MulanPSL as bl602-pac project license.

In order to approve this, I hereby request all contributors to bl602-pac to approve the project migration request. All contributors are: @9names, @username223, @jspngh, @luojia65, @mkroman, @parkero and @tchebb. If you are a contributor and you agree with this request, please reply this issue with:

I agree to migrate this project to bouffalolab/bl-pac and add @9names as project maintainer.

If you have any problem, please reply to this issue and include your concern.


jspngh commented 1 year ago

Interesting! That sounds very positive. Any intention to also do something with the HAL level? I think I've seen @9names mention wanting to start a unified HAL for the Bouffalo Lab chips.

I agree to migrate this project to bouffalolab/bl-pac and add @9names as project maintainer.

9names commented 1 year ago

I think it's worth writing down somewhere what "official support" means here.

My assumption when hearing those words is: vendor is paying people to support their customers with these tools.

My understanding from what you have said so far is that this is not the case. bouffalolab will not be financially contributing to this project or any of it's contributors, or providing us with any special access to information directly from them, and bouffalolab staff will not be contributing code, merging PRs, responding to issues, or controlling who has maintainer/contributor permissions on any Rust repos under their company github namespace.

I don't want anyone to assume that independent community contributors are being paid to fix the problems of bouffalolab customers.

mkroman commented 1 year ago

Personally I would prefer seeing if it moved to @openbouffalo such that is vendor neutral and owned by the community.

Especially if Bouffalo Lab themselves aren't going to maintain it or even contribute.

But I don't care that much, so

I agree to migrate this project to bouffalolab/bl-pac and add @9names as project maintainer.

gamelaster commented 1 year ago

Also, good to note is that it seems to not be maintained anymore. Last update was the day the repo was published.

9names commented 4 months ago

I agree to migrate this project to bouffalolab/bl-pac, but do not wish to be a project maintainer or any further involvement with bouffalolab, bl602-hal or bl602-pac.